How silly are the Olympics...pretty darn silly.

I knew my read of the man was on the money ... didn't realise I was right literally too :lol:

Can't stand him - he has reason to be cocky but he's still an egotistical ... so-and-so.


And he’s not selfish; his Usain Bolt Foundation donated playground and recreational equipment to four schools in Portland which benefited roughly 2000 children under the age of 12 and also raised funds for the creation of a pediatric cardiac center at the Bustamante Hospital for Children.

The greedy bastard. Do you know how many politicians could have spent that money on themselves and their political cronies.
To round this thread out with a positive note and to remind those of us from this Sceptred Isle that we do not always have to be cynical about matters of emotions and pretend we are not proud of our country:

And a nice snippet from amidst the crowd in the stadium:

And here a personal favourite, Copeland and Hosking's row in the double skulls (start from about 19:30 if you just want to see their bit):

I agree. I like winter Olympics better then summer but I usually watch swimming and track and field. I could do without basketball I think its silly to have a team full of NBA stars against everyone else
Promotes exceptionalism and give the others something to strive for. Like long distance against Kenya, they set the bar.