No, what I meant to say was that, maybe the ranking system should be altered so that its not entirelly based on just technical skill or knowledge. There is a boundary, you can have a great technical fighter yet he knows nothing about that knowledge side of his art, therefore he has achieved the 'Martial' side of his art but knows nothing of the 'Art' side of his art.
I notice the fact that there seems to be some swaying that belts should only be awarded if somebody can be a great technical fighter, I dont believe that entirelly the case, as you said before both sides should be equally noticable. It seems that some would rather you achieve the belt through being a great fighter than being a Martial Artist. If you have achieved your belt through fighting skill only then that doesnt mean alot to me because I could not see the follow student in you who has strived to understand everything in the science of fighting but nothing else, unless your aim is to be a fighter, imo.
I totally agree that somebody should know the material and can apply it!
Or you could simply scrap belts altogether for adults. If you are real Martial Artist Imho then you would not care about your rank for it is not part of yourself, it does not make you who you are, you are as you as a person, wearing a belt may simply be there to increase your ego. I dont know, maybe I'm being harsh. Belts for motivation maybe. Dont mean to offend!
kind regards