How old is


Alright hopefully I won't have anymore questions after this post on this topic lol, apologies...

But what was your inspiration for creating MT?

What was your goal: the vision of past, present & future of what you wanted(want) MT to be?

I know it provides a voice, as well as a great marketing tool, and most of all its just fun!

Apologies for the questions, I'm just curious of what the logic was behind it.

Thanks for your attention, time & effort in looking over this post.

Happy Holidays!
MT was originally intended to be a community for the Western NY and Southern Ontario areas. It replaced the shoddy leased forum I had on WNYMartialArts. It out grew that goal within a few weeks (Tim did a European tour). It's continuously surpassed my expectations, rapidly out grew the shared hosting and right now is kicking the *** of a dual processor server that's dedicated to it.

The future? More members, more content, a new server, and hopefully a decent income so I can focus more on it and less on 'outside' jobs. I'd love to see MT (along with my hosting and photography businesses) be profitable enough to let me travel the world and personally meet as many of our members as I can.

“I'd love to see MT (along with my hosting and photography businesses) be profitable enough to let me travel the world and personally meet and train with as many of our members as I can.”
There fixed that for ya, step by step....

Brian King
MT was originally intended to be a community for the Western NY and Southern Ontario areas. It replaced the shoddy leased forum I had on WNYMartialArts. It out grew that goal within a few weeks (Tim did a European tour). It's continuously surpassed my expectations, rapidly out grew the shared hosting and right now is kicking the *** of a dual processor server that's dedicated to it.

The future? More members, more content, a new server, and hopefully a decent income so I can focus more on it and less on 'outside' jobs. I'd love to see MT (along with my hosting and photography businesses) be profitable enough to let me travel the world and personally meet as many of our members as I can.


Agreed, as awesome as MT is its still only in its adolescent years so I'm positive your dreams for MT will come to pass in the near future. But it also gives each of us a sorta commision to spread the word & find more valuable members to partake in discussion & sharing in general.

It will be and is great!
Ok, after much contemplation & debate(some undertow persuasion), I decided to become a Supporting Member. I feel that it not only supports MT at large, in small Bob who runs the site, but each Supporting Membership also contributes to the "Entire Community" who utilizes MT, so its a great investment!

That being said if this poor College kid can do it, then....
Btw, Bob I'm kinda partial to "Blue" so do you think you can change my s/n color back to blue? I'm not a big fan of Red, haha possibly?
Ok, after much contemplation & debate(some undertow persuasion), I decided to become a Supporting Member. I feel that it not only supports MT at large, in small Bob who runs the site, but each Supporting Membership also contributes to the "Entire Community" who utilizes MT, so its a great investment!

That being said if this poor College kid can do it, then....

I don't do it for those reasons. I do it for the chicks. Chicks dig supporting members. You'll see.
Yeah, but I was in the tub. :D It's good to be the King. :lol:
Ok, so what kind of chicks are we talking about here? Blonde's, brunettes, red heads? All thee above?

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