Senior Master
Just my judo story just to warn people.; I went to another judo class for beginners on thursday, was paired with this sensei who was so unfriendly didnt even bother to ask our names. anyways for me and a friend, Michelle, who I went with, it was pretty much her first class and my second time i tryed a judo thingy. anyways the sensei right away had us doing rolling breakfalls. He gave us no instructions not even teach it little bit by little bit except to say that we had to have our legs up high enough so we didnt land on our back. Anyways I couldnt (im shotokan and we dont do that) so my legs werent high enough and so i did fall on my bqack several times, hard. So now my back is injured and I need to go to the doc and my chiropractor to have it fixed. It hurts in my neck and back and i know its injured. I also have scoliosis in my back and one shodan who i knew said he didnt have any business teaching us like that nor did he ask any of us if we had back problems. but shodan couldnt do nothing cause this particular sensei was his senior.