I was just at the grocery store from Saturday morning and noticed the prices jumped an average of 15-22 percent in just two days. The gas station went down to 2.16 a gallon and my normay presription that insurance will not cover jumped 28 percent since last month. Why is it the middle class or ordinary person always seems to get it in the ***, with everything. I mean if you are kinda poor they have help and if you are really rich you do not care. My medicine went from 112.00 to 147.00 in one month and the pharmasist says expect more of an increase and I should look at getting three months at a time and I told him that I simply could not offord to pay for three months even though it will save me about 26.00 per month. The milk went up from 1.99 a gallon to 2.79 a gallon and my kids drink 5-7 gallons a week. I am just venting and pissed off because I work and I still am having financial problems qith food, medicine and the little things that you need to keep a house going.