How many times a week do you have class

Right now Im set up to work out 4 nights a week. I'm lucky to have a very good instructor and close friend who gives up plenty of time to train. I consider myself very lucky. So untill my shift at work changes and screws that up Im very happy!

Other schools around my area (tkd, shotokan, etc) the average seems to be about 3 nights a week any more it gets very expensive!
Originally posted by Brother John

Privates are not just possible, but I'd be more than happy to give them! Good discount as well. I'll help you in any way that I can.
Give me a call, I'll explain even more.
I understand your delima 101% and want to give you the support that you need.
Your Brother and teacher

Do you finance??? HAHAHHAHAHHAHA good seeing you back on the board brother!! When are you gonna come work out with me and Jeff again??
<english teacher>

Since you pointed it out...

actually, in that case "Jeff and me" would be correct.

The trick is...take "Jeff" out of the equation... you wouldn't say "come work out with I again" would you? sounds weird. you would use "me". If you would use the word "me" when you don't have a second person, you would use the word "me" when you do.

You use "I" in phrases like "sarah and I are going to the store" because you would say "I am going to the store." not "Me am going to the store."

You would use "me" in phrases like "Come with Jeff and me." because you would say "Come with me." not "Come with I."

</english teacher>

Originally posted by nightingale8472

<english teacher>

Since you pointed it out...

actually, in that case "Jeff and me" would be correct.

The trick is...take "Jeff" out of the equation... you wouldn't say "come work out with I again" would you? sounds weird. you would use "me". If you would use the word "me" when you don't have a second person, you would use the word "me" when you do.

You use "I" in phrases like "sarah and I are going to the store" because you would say "I am going to the store." not "Me am going to the store."

You would use "me" in phrases like "Come with Jeff and me." because you would say "Come with me." not "Come with I."

</english teacher>


I stepped WAY out of my boundary there. I was never good at English anyway. But i just somehow always remember hearing that it should be that way when it is said. :(
I am sure as you read my posts you will clearly be able to tell that my english isn't how it is supposed to be. :)
Originally posted by jeffkyle

I stepped WAY out of my boundary there. I was never good at English anyway. But i just somehow always remember hearing that it should be that way when it is said. :(
I am sure as you read my posts you will clearly be able to tell that my english isn't how it is supposed to be. :)

HA!!!! :rofl:
Originally posted by nightingale8472

<english teacher>

Since you pointed it out...

actually, in that case "Jeff and me" would be correct.

The trick is...take "Jeff" out of the equation... you wouldn't say "come work out with I again" would you? sounds weird. you would use "me". If you would use the word "me" when you don't have a second person, you would use the word "me" when you do.

You use "I" in phrases like "sarah and I are going to the store" because you would say "I am going to the store." not "Me am going to the store."

You would use "me" in phrases like "Come with Jeff and me." because you would say "Come with me." not "Come with I."

</english teacher>


Hey Nightingale, thanks for that English lesson!
I always did struggle in English class, couldn't get the "me and I" right among other things :confused:
I'll have to print out your post for future reference :p

I always like to be schooled...
Originally posted by nightingale8472

<english teacher>

Since you pointed it out...

actually, in that case "Jeff and me" would be correct.

The trick is...take "Jeff" out of the equation... you wouldn't say "come work out with I again" would you? sounds weird. you would use "me". If you would use the word "me" when you don't have a second person, you would use the word "me" when you do.

You use "I" in phrases like "sarah and I are going to the store" because you would say "I am going to the store." not "Me am going to the store."

You would use "me" in phrases like "Come with Jeff and me." because you would say "Come with me." not "Come with I."

</english teacher>


I didn't thank you Nightingale. Thanks for the lesson...i am sure i will NEVER forget it!
You're welcome.

I don't normally correct people's grammar online, but since someone already did, I figure you should at least have the correct correction! LOL.

As a sidenote, as long as I'm in grammar mode:

Your - belonging to you...your bike
You're - you are... You're going shopping

Too - also... you're going too?
to - a preposition... you're going to Chinatown too?
two - the number 2

There - a place... Put it over there.
Their - belonging to them... their bike
They're - they are... They're going to Chinatown too.

Its - belonging to it. Possessive, even though there's no apostrophe... Its bike.
It's - It is.... It's raining. If you can't substute the words "It is" for it's, don't use the apostrophe. You wouldn't say "It is bike" you would say "its bike" meaning "the bike belonging to it".

Homonyms (words that sound the same but are spelled differently and mean different things) drive me crazy when people mix them up. Its probably my number one grammar pet peeve.

shutting up now.

hey we are supposed to be warriors AND scholars ;) It is applicable!
Originally posted by jeffkyle

That should be Jeff and I.

Maybe he actually meant..."When are you gonna come work out with me, (gawd, I know jeff will be taggin along also so I might as well mention his name as well) and Jeff again?? (There that should keep me out of trouble unless some jr. english teacher comes on and corrects my grammer....oh, that would never happen this is a Kenpo board...:rofl: )
