how many of you integrate martial arts

how many integrate martial arts

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Though I was originally ranked in a Japanese system. I trained the majority of my B/B training in Kenpo/Muay Thai /Kick Boxing with a few few other arts I took for a short while.

In my school I teach Japanese forms (I think they are beautiful) basics are both Japanese mainly the stances to learn the kata and the power and Kenpo for the self defense moves and sparring, I use the MT kicks and knees /elbows as well as boxing / karate punches w/ point fighting /boxing footwork ( alot of movement and angle changes) . I seems to flow together nicely.
As the enviremont changes so is the need for martial arts, for ex. 100's of years ago there were no guns and no need for gun tech's now there is. that is what is so cool about the different arts and there history of how they were devoleped to cope with the times. I truely hope that the system i train in never becomes stagnet.
Shurikan said:
As the enviremont changes so is the need for martial arts, for ex. 100's of years ago there were no guns and no need for gun tech's now there is. that is what is so cool about the different arts and there history of how they were devoleped to cope with the times. I truely hope that the system i train in never becomes stagnet.
As long as your system keeps looking for ways to better its art it will never be stagnant. Also you should the art your own, by trying to make the techniques adaptable to whatever situation that you are in.
We learn everything we can and intregrate everything we find to be useful to our training and/or effective in a self-defense situation.
I do. In fact, I did what Bruce Lee did. I took every thing I liked from the different arts I've taken and made up my own art, Guey Lee Do. It's a weapon dance art based on self expression. I got self expression from JKD, dance from capeoria (or the idea that is), the kicks from tkd, and weapons from kung fu and karate. :whip:
I integrate Dr. Pepper a little wrestling, A little mobster and a lot of saying Please don't hit me then some eyepoking.
"Keep your friends close but your enimies closer"

Its good to know what your opponet is going to do.

Knowledge is power :jedi1:
How are you 1st Dan in a style you created? Did you have to judge yourself at your own testing?

Seriously, I don't integrate other arts into my Tae Kwon Do teaching for the simple reason that TKD itself is complex enough without adding another art to it.
You go on the teachings of what you have learned..eventually you get to a point where ma becomes a part of you...Then you change it up to your liking...this is where integrated MA comes into play
Ah my young Paduan...

I've been in Tae Kwon Do for quite a while, and have never felt the urge to change anything. First, because I don't have the experience, and second because I don't have the authority.
I have experimented with different combinations, but it is still Tae kwon Do technique-I'm just fiddling with various sequences. As far as changing technique and mechanics, I leave it alone. Tae kwon Do has done just fine without me messing with it. Maybe if I were to eventually have my own organization, and who's to say what can happen down the road, I could make some changes. But until then I teach Tae Kwon Do as it was taught to me (as best I can anyway).
Always amuses me when color belts and low ranking black belts claim to have made changes in a style and developed their own art or system. Whatever.
My instructor as integrated stuff from other styles into his system. Which most of it, I think, works. We do mainly TKD, which doesn't have much hand techniques. But he added boxing/Thai boxing for the punches elbows, knees, ect. He also added Chin Na and a little bit of Kung Fu for joint locks, weapons, more hand techniques, ect. He also stole stuff from Shotokan (the take-downs I think).

He also does research on other arts ALL the time. He is always looking for ways to improve his system.
I mix Dan-zan ryu jujitsu and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, and also Western Boxing.
karatekid1975 said:
He is always looking for ways to improve his system.
Not to pick on you, just this sentence caught my eye.

Something that causes me endless amusement is people, even today, trying to invent styles, improve styles, protect styles from 'unnecesary' change or even just trying to pick their favourite style.

Any single, specific style, by the very definition of it, is limited in nature. TKD, for example, does not teach one how to confidently fight with skill on the ground. Most TKD schools even leave you in trouble if you happen to be wearing jeans which limit your leg flexibility, not to mention the horibly constricting clothes women can wear.

One should not concern himself with which style to learn. He should simply learn all styles. The collective whole of the martial arts, rather than just a single facet of it.
Some styles better suited for different situations.You have to have a well-rounded training or else something you cant deal with will happen, and you're screwed.

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