how many of you guys??

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how many have used ur art in a REAL fight

  • Me

  • not Me

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I have never been in a fight in my life so I haven't had to use what I've learned. However, I do expect to use it sometime in my life since I'm going into law enforcement, but I don't think I'll have to ever use it outside of my career. Or so I hope.
when i was in middle school i got into alot of fights theyre not fun for the most part and should be avoided whenever possible
I used to be in a lot of fights up until I took up the MA (it’s been almost 5 years now). I even went to jail on one occasion. But how the arts have helped me (and how I have used my art) is getting any pent up aggression, or stress out in the school. I think most fights happen (at least in my case), because you feel you have to prove you are tough and should be given respect. The MA teaches you how tough you are or should I say, that you were not as tough as you thought, and that respect is earned, not just given. I think that is why you don't hear too much of good martial artists getting in a lot of fights per say, but as you can see by the posts, are ready to defend themselves if need be. I didn't vote because I think you are looking for Physical usage of your art, but I would put yes me, because knowing how I was before I found the MA, the only way I can explain my lack of fighting is by using my art. Not to say that there have been some close calls where I really thought I would have to defend myself, but I think confidence can be an intimidating factor. When you are picking a fight you are looking for a specific response (that’s usually when the pushing and shoving starts, or punches are thrown) and when you don’t get that response, you push harder and harder. But when they guy who doesn’t want to fight isn’t cowering and extremely fearful, a person will see that it may not be a good idea to test this guy. They usually just call you a P***Y or other last ditch effort to provoke you and walk away. Whoa……sorry for rambling on I guess I got a little off topic.
If you mean sparring, then yes, I spar in class from time to time. If you mean streetfighting--I was attacked twice before I started training, but not since. Luckily, because of the training I was able to stay calm and talk my way out of a couple of "close calls," so that I didn't have to "physically" use it on anyone, which was good.
Unfortunately my home town is filled with 18 and 19 year olds who want to prove their hard men or tough guys.I went to school with some of them, or know their families so I can usually talk my way out of a situation. However I have had to occassionaly defend myself, againts some of their more thick-headed members.Its a pity, but it was neccessary.
I use some of my martial arts in real fights i mean i am not going to try and get someone in a Twi-Te cause I havn't had a lot of practice. but I would throw a few kicks knees, of course punches. And maybe a little bit of Twi-Te. but truw MAists use Ma everyday even if its not in a fight. for example i work at a local Arby's and I now close the frezzer door with a 100% correct back kick..well unless i am in a hurry, and it gets a little sloppy but ja know. try to use MA everyday instead of just in fights.
I have walking to school at night along Huntington Avenue in Boston.
Only to do my job as a correctional officer in a large prison have I laid hands on people. During my younger days the fights were to be blunt, stupid. I wish I would have avoided them. Now I sometimes fight to save lives, and the physical contact has meaning.
I once threw an elbow in a fight - that's about it. Basically, all my training went out the window and it just turned into a hockey fight. We Canadians simply revert to our heritage Ha!!!
I haven't used it in a fight, per se....

However when a friend was trying to commit suicide, I had to elbow lock him to get a pair of scissors out of his hand, and also some grappling on him to keep him down while the cops came. It was kind of a blow for me. I never wanted to use anything I learned period, let alone on a friend. I am, however, grateful that I did.
Way back in my younger days I was a bouncer..There wasn't a Fri or Sat night that went by that a fight didn't break out and I was forced to eject them..Now as a cop I try to talk them into complying rather than resorting to a physical confrontation..The difference? Too much paperwork...
Yes, This Drunk guy (Me) got into a fight back in the day. Other guy started it. But I managed to use my Kenpo skills rather nicely. Broke the guys nose with a hammer fist after blocking his punch. He dropped like a rag doll. Scared me to death. i thought I had killed the dude. Needless to say He did not die, I went to Jail for fighting and learned a very valuable lesson. Now I try to walk away from the fight and I put down the drinking. I am way to old for that kind of thing now. But it was nice to know that after all my years of training and practice, that it became natural to me and i was able to perform my skills just like I know my name. If you practice, Kenpo wil not let you down.

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