this comes up every 6 months or so and someone posts a vid of someone in there 60s in remarkable physical shape as proof that age does not diminish and its nonsence,
these people do indeed exist but they make up a tiny fraction of 1% of the 60 year old on the planet,
which can only leave you with three possible conclusions,
1) it's a rare genetic abnormality,
2) its extremly difficult to do
3) both of the above
my fitness has dropped of a cliff in the last 6 months or so and I'm still the second fittest 60 yo I know( and I know a lot), the first is my sister, which lends weight to it being genetic
but we are also both ultra competitive,I sent her a msg of my bike ride, 20 miles which I was really pleased with, she immediately got her bike out and did 25( and faster) and msg me back being smug, so I'm going for 30 this week,, so maybe it is number 3