How many men inside dojang


Senior Master
I am the only men training in my dojang are myself (studdent/instructor) and my sambunim. I am trying to convince some dads to come by and start TKD for health issues and to have more grown men, in fact I would like to teach some of the TKD parents, however I haven't had sucess in this.

In your dojang how many men do you have.

While I'm often the oldest, there are quite a few other adults that train. I think most of them are parents of students, but not all. There's quite a few parent/child combos that have progressed through the ranks together. I think it is a great family activity. We in fact have enough adults that our school is now starting to have a couple of adult only classes each week.
Manny offer them a week free and then get them hooked on it. That is how we got our parents off the sidelines.
Our school has a cardio kick boxing class for parents and I think that has helped get some to transition to the TKD classes as well.
I run the "family" program in our school, so I have fairly equal numbers of adults and kids. I think I have fairly equal numbers of Moms and Dads.
I think that total family involvement in TKD from a training perspective is great. For myself I will stay on the TKD sidelines. When my kids are off to college and my wife and I are much less involved in the logistics of getting them to training. I will consider another Martial Art. What is good SD Martial art for the 50 and older crowd.

Not that I have anything against TKD. Just want to stay out of what my kids do.
TKD is their deal not mine.
Not many. Me, Dr. Harris, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Siram, Mr. Henry, Mr. Mark, Mr. Joe, Francisco, Fernando, and Josh. This does not include our Sabumnim. The rest are teenagers.

So 10 in total.
We don't have very many adults. A couple of women and 4 - 5 men. A few teens. Most students are younger than 13.
We have a fair number of adults that attend our class, most of them are parents of other students, but again not all. I would say on any given class we have about 10 adults.
We've got about ten men and five or six women. I think about three-quarters of them are parents of kids who are students.


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