How many arts are you studying or training in?

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How many martial arts are you currently studying or training in?

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If you ever make it up to the Seattle/Tacoma area, let me know. You can hang out with us, train with us, whatever.

I might just take you up on that. It's pretty unlikely though, I'm a visual artist, and in Australia at least the average wage of an artist is actually below the poverty line. And I don't think I make average!

Alternately, should I ever make it down your way, I'll let you know and we can meet up so you can see what Yili is like.

You'd be very welcome to, you can come to jo class and we could swap ideas. I do seitei jo near my home on the south coast below Sydney, and am going back to my old dojo in Sydney to take up SMR jo again in a couple of months. (I had to give it up 'cause class times and work times clashed badly).

BTW, good luck with your jojutsu, I've found it to be such a lovely, practical art, with a wealth of tradition. And a jo just happens to be almost exactly the same length as a pool cue or broomstick.... :D
Originally posted by TkdWarrior
well thats intresting...
ur teacher created guess it's his headache to put tje curricullum in his students head :D
wat u need is to practice n listen to him


He may have created the curriculum but not the systems; he hasn't changed the systems at all.

Why do you say it's his headache and telling me to listen to him and practise, did I complain in any way?
Could you please rephrase or explain your statement, it sound like an accusation, but I'm sure I'm misunderstanding. I hope so anywise. :confused:
I think he was just teasing you, Dot.

I only study one art, EPAK. I've trained in a couple of other arts along the way, but it was always because I couldn't find kenpo, not because I was intending to crosstrain, and I always went immediately back to kenpo as soon as I had the opportunity, because most of the korean stuff directly contradicts the kenpo stuff (not saying either is bad, just saying the two don't mix very well because they're based on very different philosophies and methods of attack and defense).
Yeah, I'm a single art boy. There's enough material in hapkido to keep me there for *quite* a while yet. When I look at how long some of the others have been doing it I realise what a long journey it will be. Very worthwhile and fulfilling though.
Originally posted by nightingale8472
I think he was just teasing you, Dot.

Well if that's true, (I hope so) I was indeed fished in hook like and sinker. :eek:

went immediately back to kenpo as soon as I had the opportunity, because most of the korean stuff directly contradicts the kenpo stuff (not saying either is bad, just saying the two don't mix very well because they're based on very different philosophies and methods of attack and defense).

I can see where you're comming from. I think Modern Arnis and Kenpo mix very well, so I'm having a good time.

1. Tracy Kenpo


3. Yang Tai Chi

Thanks, no applause necessary!;)
I'm a CHKD, Judo, TKD man myself. All work well. TKD is my long range stand up (Okay, not really, but hey) and my CHKD and Judo are my intermediate to short range. At which point depending on situation, I can move to the ground, or move them to the groun, control, destory, or a nice combo of both. Ah, what fun!
hey Kempo Girl ...
that's wasn't accusation...
wat i meant that it's easy for u to blend in with two different arts because ur teacher hav done it for u... frankly if u hav to do it by urself then it's biiiiiggggg headache... now when he's teaching u he's using experience from both arts
getting me or not?
may be if you simply write proper English instead of trying to imitate American street language..... not that I should be talking
English instead of trying to imitate American street language.....
well i don't...
i meant the same that time too... dunno why she felt that... :eek:
tho i m still confused if i was saying different??
Originally posted by KennethKu
may be if you simply write proper English instead of trying to imitate American street language..... not that I should be talking

I was trying not to say something but I'll second this.

With the lack of non-verbal communication that email and postings like this already have to deal with, it only hampers every effort to communicate if we can't use some standard of grammar, spelling and punctuation.

I can deal with British, Australian, Canadian and US English, but whatever this "Randsom Note" stuff is, is very hard for me to read. I have taken to skipping over the posts.

My point is that we are here to communicate and we really only have typing to do it with, so type well and make everyone's job easier.

P.S. I'm not saying that I don't make mistakes, I'm saying that I'm purposefully trying to make it difficult to read my posts and TKD Warrior is making it difficult with his style of posting. There may be others doing it as well. Generally speaking, I try to ignore them, just as if a drunk came up to me at a party and starting trying to engage me in a conversation.

Originally posted by TkdWarrior
well i don't...
i meant the same that time too... dunno why she felt that... :eek:
tho i m still confused if i was saying different??

TKD guy, I'm with the others on this. Can you run this by me again, it's difficult to understand what you're trying to convey in the last posts... :confused: :idunno: :confused: :idunno:
OmG U2 R ToTL n00bS!

hehe. Just kidding. He's using a lot of the slang that you see in chat rooms. I do agree, however, that sometimes, for someone who's not used to it, it can take a while to figure out, which is why I don't use it here.

When you communciate, you need to take your audience into account. Certain modes of communication are appropriate for certain situations. You not only need to consider whether your mode of communication is appropriate, you need to consider whether or not your audience is going to understand you. In this case, while netslang is usually appropriate on a message board, it isn't in this case, because a lot of people here don't understand it.

And when it comes to net shorthand: when in doubt: read it aloud, and it will probably make sense.
I agree with you Night, when addressing a group, one should consider their audience, and that's the difference between this forum and a chat room. In a chat room I guess the abbreviated words and slang do come in handy because you're bantering back and forth in near real time so you want to respond quickly. Here, in MartialTalk you have the opportunity to re-read your message before posting to make sure it makes sense to your audience and not just to you. Just my take.
Hey, did we get off topic again? Sorry about that, lets get back to the issue at hand. What other MAs were we studying again???:confused:

The ToTL n00bS
Originally posted by TkdWarrior
hey Kempo Girl ...
that's wasn't accusation...
wat i meant that it's easy for u to blend in with two different arts because ur teacher hav done it for u... frankly if u hav to do it by urself then it's biiiiiggggg headache... now when he's teaching u he's using experience from both arts
getting me or not?

Thanks for clarifying TKDWarrior. :asian: :D

And I agree with you 100%. I'm very pleased with my training.

I originally did not notice that you are from India, so I am guessing that you may be having problems translating your thoughts to written English. You're statements are very broken and confusing, I understood what you were saying on your second post, but your third post was again VERY confusing. :confused:

I congratulate you desire to join in on the conversation, and you should keep trying. BUT, that being said, you should also be very careful in what you write, to make it as grammatically correct as possible so that people do not mistake what you are trying to say.

That's why I did not "attack" your original statement I wanted to give you a chance to correct or clarify what you were trying to say. As has been stated above it is VERY easy to make mistakes on here and unintentionally hurt peoples feelings. Everybody regardless of were they are from needs to pay close attention to what they are typing down.

So keep on trying and I hope we will all give you a chance to get your point across. :)

Dot :asian:
I'm personally wondering how anyone finds time to train 2 or 3 or more arts at one time? I have enough problems trying to keep my own stuff from 1 art correct at any given time.
well guys normally i m always in hurry so type fast watever comes to my mind, next time i'll make double sure watever i m posting is understandable to normal human beings :D :p...
sorry for confusions
I'm personally wondering how anyone finds time to train 2 or 3 or more arts at one time? I have enough problems trying to keep my own stuff from 1 art correct at any given time.

The two arts I do, jodo and iaido, are very closely related. Most of the footwork, body positioning, philosophies and a lot of the handwork are the same. Jo is short staff against sword, so it does contain a lot of what you do in iai anyway. Naginata, which I'd like to take up one day, is also very closely related. Again footwork, body positioning, movements and philosophies are very similar or the same. There is quite a bit of sword work in naginata, too (Naginata vs. sword). In some ways they are all aspects of the Japanese sword arts, either sword vs sword, or defences against the sword with various weapons.

All these arts are part of bujutsu. A samurai would have had to learn all these and more, kyudo (archery), jujutsu etc etc. Granted I am not a samurai (I am a white Aussie chick), and they devoted themselves to learning thier martial arts on an almost full time basis and I struggle with even practising a little bit on a daily basis, but these arts do form a comprehsive system of combat. In some ways I see jodo, iaido, kenjutsu, naganata-do and merely differing aspects of the same art.
Originally posted by Kiz Bell
... In some ways I see jodo, iaido, kenjutsu, naganata-do and merely differing aspects of the same art.

Yes, I see your point there. I find it difficult to try to practice and refine the art of kenpo on a daily basis where it takes up enough time just devoting time to long form 6 by itself. That is just one kata amongst many.
The 1st step in trianing in another art
is find 1 that either complements
The art U are all ready training in
Or 1 that is a completey different.

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