We don't see much activity in the Hapkido thread. I was just wondering how many consider themselves Hapkidoists (or Hapkidoin if you prefer).
Are you belted? Do you still study?
In my case I attained a 2nd Degree black belt in 1987. I have trained to 3rd, but never tested. I study on my own when I can. I have had some health issues that are slowly getting better, but I don't know for sure of any Hapkido schools in the area with the exception of Maryland where they may be 1 or 2, and in the Woodbridge area of VA. At least there used to be.
There are of course a lot of schools, usually TKD, that advertise also teaching Hapkido. Most seem only to know a few techniques, which they may teach better or worse.
As Hapkido students would know, it isn't a popular art for some reason, even in Korea. I have never been sure why. It may be the violence of the techniques, the throwing/breakfalls, or something else. It could also the aversion of moving into attacks, or fear of not being able to achieve the speed and accuracy needed. Any Hapkido students have any ideas on that?