Originally posted by cfr
What are "sparring like" drills?
I am refering to my background in Modern Arnis where Professor Presas (Founder of that system) had designed different methods of teaching students how to "Counter the Counter" in a safe, seminar format. He would start us off with a pre-set, or drill, Such as the "6-count," where I strike to my partners head (With stick, knife, sword, or empty hand), he blocks and counter strikes to the body, and I block/counter stike to the knee, then he strikes to my head, I block/counter to his body, then he blocks/counters to my knee, etc. etc. etc. It is one continuous set of movements that is very easy to learn in a seminar format.
From learning the preset, though, you can then move away from the preset, where there is more of a free flow exchange. It started like a drill, but it ends up being free-sparring, where you and your partner are exchanging back and forth, but niether know who will do what next.
So, a "sparring-like drill" is any preset of movements that can grow into free-sparring. Many other systems of Martial Arts have excersises like this, where there is a give and take with an opponent. Tai Chi has Push hands, Systema has slow sparring, Grappling you can just go for "Take Downs" back and forth, and I have heard of "2 man forms" in some styles that can grow into free sparring.
So, that is what I mean. I hope that this explains it!