How long should I train for NAGA

psilent child

Orange Belt
Aug 3, 2016
Reaction score
I have been taking Kajukenbo for a few years. I plan on taking hayastein grappling Tuesday and Thursday and BJJ Saturday. There is a NAGA competition in June. Do you guys think that’s enough time to compete in the novice division? I will be a super heavyweight.
Only one way to find out just do it. If you lose then hey at least you stepped up
Nagas a competition where if you lose you're not really going to be hurt (or at least shouldnt). Tap early, tap often, but theres no reason not to.
Compete, sure. Win, probably not unless you are a natural phenom or have exceptional physical attributes. Doesn’t matter, you’ll learn from the experience either way.
Compete? Absolutely, but realize unless you already have a background in grappling or as Tony stated you are exceptional 3 months is not much time for excelling. I like most of my students to have a year of grappling prior to competing but have many who do begin in the 6 to 12 month periods.
At the end of the day it's grappling. It's not like it's boxing where you can risk concussion or brain injury (very rarely at least I do know concusion happens in grappling but not as much as striking) so really as long as you tap early your safe unless it's an unfortunate accident
I have been taking Kajukenbo for a few years. I plan on taking hayastein grappling Tuesday and Thursday and BJJ Saturday. There is a NAGA competition in June. Do you guys think that’s enough time to compete in the novice division? I will be a super heavyweight.
As others have said, the cost of potential failure is generally pretty low, so go for it. Which NAGA tournament are you looking at?