How long have you been training?

How long have you been training in your primary and/or longest style?

  • Less than 1 year

  • 1 year to less than 2 years

  • 2 years to less than 3 years

  • 3 years to less than 4 years

  • 4 years to less than 5 years

  • Between 5 and 10 years

  • Between 10 and 15 years

  • Between 15 and 20 years

  • More than 20 years

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Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, CO
How long have you been training in whatever art you consider to be your primary art? Or if you have 2+ arts, how long have you been training in the one you've been in the longest?
overall 44 years 26 in TKD and 44 in Okinawa Karate, even though my primary is TKD I stiil dabble in the original everyday so that is why I had the answer I did
Following after Terry, mine sounds lame. I've been in kenpo for roughly 12 years.

That is excellent why should you feel lame, I have been in it and training because of my father so I had an advantage to speak of.
That is excellent why should you feel lame, I have been in it and training because of my father so I had an advantage to speak of.

Terry, I hope I make it as long as you sir. I've got about 24 years, on and unfortunetly off, studing Kempo.
Although I started 21 years ago, not all of the years were active training. Of the time I actually trained, this comes out to a little over 10 combined years.

- Ceicei
Compared with any of you folks, I'm the rawest of beginners—four and a half years or so of TKD, no more than that!
I started training when I was a kid with My Dad. I train or have trained in several styles over the years, but not all in the same style. In my primary I have been training for over 15 years.
Only 6 1/2 years so far, but that is didly compared to everyone else in my dojo. Many, many more training years to come, I hope. :)

Robyn :asian:
Off and on throughout Jr. High and High School, so maybe 3/6...
5 yrs of judo in the USMC......

I began a comeback in judo briefly in 01, I went to a 6 state tourney held in St. L......I won grand champion with absolutely no problem......however, the knees didn't quit swelling for 3 weeks and I got scoped then. (5th scoping even then).

2yrs. of hapkido and TKD,, 06-07 1 yr. of hapkido and tkd

GM has over 40 in MSK, Dad has 34.

So I guess I have I have 6yrs of active participation in MSK and hope to have another 30.
overall 44 years 26 in TKD and 44 in Okinawa Karate, even though my primary is TKD I stiil dabble in the original everyday so that is why I had the answer I did
Geez Terry. 44 years, that's a long time. With only 33 years in, I feel like a kid...
I feel like a toddler compared to everyone... I've only been studying for about 2 months...
I've been training a little over 6 years in all. The longest art was 5 years (TKD). I started in TSD (year and 3 months). But I dabbled in Jujitsu, and judo (which I want to get back into). Plus a few others (just for fun).

Now if this was a snowboarding forum ... I'd be the rookie for sure LOL. 5 times ... officially ... in two seasons (I snowboarded more, but in my back yard because I live in the mountains of upstate NY)... but totally loving it.
I have nearly 25 years of training. Included in that is TKD, full contact rules kickboxing, American boxing, a bit of Aikido & Hapkido as well.
42 years total Martial Art training - started in 1965 at age 5.

31 years in Taekwondo since 1976.

29 years teaching Taekwondo - opened my first school in 1978.

(also attained Black Belts over the years in Judo, Aikido, and Karate with Hapkido, Hoshinsul, and Yudo studied with my Taekwondo since 1985)

CM D.J. Eisenhart
Last Fearner