How is this Taekwondoians punching?


Black Belt
There is a video of a Muay thai vs TKD in china. The tkd seams more sure of him self, but MT guys seams newish or inexperianced. One thing i noticed was, this TKD guy was punching! Despite having his hands at his hips. Now watching it, was he throwing wild haymakers or were those long versions of a hammer fist? I ask becuase it kinda looks like he is impacting with the side of his fist, and in fact scores a ko(or TKO) with what appears to be a hammer fist. I noticed not many straight punches from either side. Also, i noticed not much deflecting going on, but lots of good evasion so that makes sense.

So TKD'ers what say you, how was this guys hand skill?
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Dont confuse hook punches for haymakers. In my experience at least, against some people with a good guard, it can be hard to make straight punches work, so you make them a bit more circular. It doesnt look pretty but it can work. Plus, if straight punches were the only way to go, explain why most full contact fighters end up throwing hooks :)

He isnt bad, but most of his success is coming from explosively getting in, and overwhelming the other guy with speed. His punches could use a bit more power, and he could do with landing more than 1-2 solid shots at a time. Of the many punches he throws in rapid succession, only a couple actually hit him, and not his arms or the air.

Also, i think that video is TKD VS Sanda. I may be wrong, but if you look around youll find more copies of it with Sanda as the given system instead of Muay Thai.
There is a video of a Muay thai vs TKD in china. The tkd seams more sure of him self, but MT guys seams newish or inexperianced. One thing i noticed was, this TKD guy was punching!

I didn't really see anything out of the ordinary for an ITF fighter (which is what the Taekwon-Doin was).

Despite having his hands at his hips. Now watching it, was he throwing wild haymakers or were those long versions of a hammer fist? I ask becuase it kinda looks like he is impacting with the side of his fist, and in fact scores a ko(or TKO) with what appears to be a hammer fist. I noticed not many straight punches from either side. Also, i noticed not much deflecting going on, but lots of good evasion so that makes sense.

The "haymakers" were probably crescent punches, or at least supposed to be. They should've been tighter and not executed without any bend in the elbow. The "hammer fists" were either side fist or back fist strikes. The large size of the hand gear makes it hard to see the specific attacking tool being used.

As for the evasion vs. deflecting, you do tend to see more dodging during a high speed sparring match.

So TKD'ers what say you, how was this guys hand skill?

Not bad. Needs to clean up a few things but he's got good speed. Adequate for a low dan-holder (and he was in a uniform worn by I, II, or III dans).


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The TKD guy seem to me a good fighter, he kicks very well and if you notice most of his kick were torso ones using the roundhouse and the back or side kick, maybe his hands are not ortodoxe but he was efective combining kicks and punches.

I agree with the above, he is adequate for a low dan holder. I think his kicking to punching ratio is about right. Looks like a decent second dan to me. Decent, not great.
It is a TKD BB beating up a overmatched fighter from another art...not even worth watching!

I am sure that you could find MT/Sanda fighter that could make that BB look bad....
It is a TKD BB beating up a overmatched fighter from another art...not even worth watching!

It's as worth watching as anything else on youtube (and more than most).

I am sure that you could find MT/Sanda fighter that could make that BB look bad....

This is irrelevant. If you had bothered to read the OP you'd see that his question was, "So TKD'ers what say you, how was this guys hand skill?" Kframe was interested in a critique of the skill of the Taekwon-Doin's hand techniques. It had nothing to do with making the other fighter look bad.



He's better than most 2nd dans I see, but I study at a KKW style school. Is ITF 2nd dan higher (i.e., more time required to get) than a KKW 2nd dan?

Depends on the school doing the promoting, of course. I will say, however, that the KKW time in grade for a 1st dan is one year of training.

Gen. Choi put forth several "courses" of study for obtaining I dan based on total hours of training. The minimum is 585 hours of training over 30 months. You can theorhetically get a I dan in one year in the ITF, too. All you have to do is complete 1248 hours of training (which breaks down to 4 hours a day, 6 days a week). I've never met anyone who's done that. And, time in grade are minimums and also don't include things like actually passing the test.

Edit: Add to the above times 1-1 1/2 years to get from 1st to 2nd dan for KKW TKD vs. 1 1/2 to 2 years to get from I dan to II dan for the ITF.



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He's better than most 2nd dans I see, but I study at a KKW style school. Is ITF 2nd dan higher (i.e., more time required to get) than a KKW 2nd dan?
Im basing what I said on four or five years to black belt then anothr two or three years getting to second dan, meaning about 6-8 years of training.
I'm pretty certain his opponent was not a Muay Thai fighter. I saw not even an attempt at Muay Thai technique.

As far as the TKD fighter, I wasn't super impressed with his punching, but they were effective because he had good kicks and was using the kicks to set up the punches. When your opponent is that intimidated by your kicks it becomes a whole lot easier to land a punch.
Tony, your right, that other fighter had lost the battle in the first few minutes. He had confidence then it just evaporated. My primary martial arts background is boxing(with some kickboxing for good measure) and i agree with the above poster who said that due to the fighters guard, hooking punches were called for. He needed to bend his elbow more, cuase he almost had his arm locked out. I was tuaght that, the bend in the elbow, not only helps with power, but helps protect the arm from hurting it self during the attack. I was having a hard time learning the hook, and my coach broke it down like this, The elbow follows the hand. It just clicked and off i went.

I agree it didnt look very Muay Thai, wonder why it was labeld as such?
Let me state it more clearly...he asked what tkd people think of his hand skill....why would you with all the videos on YouTube pick this bad one...his hand skill is not worth the video is not worth watching!

But please evaluate away...

Let me state it more clearly...he asked what tkd people think of his hand skill....why would you with all the videos on YouTube pick this bad one...his hand skill is not worth the video is not worth watching!

But please evaluate away...

I dont think there would be many vids out there displaying tkd punches in action. The vast majority of tkd videos, especially those showing full contact sparring are almost exclusively kicking.