How far back on the forums


Black Belt
May 24, 2002
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
There are a few of you here I recognize from here, martial arts planet and from way back on E-Budo.

I am glad there is still a good forum for martial artists to yap. This one not being quite as elitest as I remember E-Budo being. Anyone from that era?
There are a few of you here I recognize from here, martial arts planet and from way back on E-Budo.

I am glad there is still a good forum for martial artists to yap. This one not being quite as elitest as I remember E-Budo being. Anyone from that era?

I found MAP to be more England / UK Specific with Western Europe.
I never was good with e-budo - I cannot remember why :eek:
If the memory is the second thing to go, I have forgotten what the first is. :cool:
What have you been up to recently in your training / instruction?
was never on e-budo, but I do remember it. I was and occasionally still am on MAP, started there 16 years ago, was on Empty Flower (the original) before the selling and feud, and I have been here longer than I was om MAP. There were a couple other sites I was on, but I can't remember the names
I found MAP to be more England / UK Specific with Western Europe.
I never was good with e-budo - I cannot remember why :eek:
If the memory is the second thing to go, I have forgotten what the first is. :cool:
What have you been up to recently in your training / instruction?
MAP is/was definitely more UK Specific
Still a moderator on e-Budo.
Remember Budoseek fondly.
Here on and off since 2005.
I used to like e-Budo but nobody ever posted on it so I tended to forget about it. I do get a birthday message from them every year, though…the only one I get 😢

Kendo World Forum was really excellent. People posted really measured ideas and comments and behaved themselves impeccably. It was mainly populated by Europeans so had more relevance to me.

I like fora because only older people use them…few people under ~25 years of age… and so there’s less hubris, aggression and tendency to ‘fly off the handle’!
I was on e-budo, but a different username. Stopped going when it just seemed to be a lot of "bot generated" post topics/articles. I will still get on there sometimes if I am looking for a specific topic.
Used to post on MAP sometimes, but it has been so long I don't remember my sign-in password. Also posted on FMA Talk and IKF forums before they shut down, so for many years now it's been just here.
Used to be on kenpotalk and MAP. Nowadays it's just here.
If I remember correctly Kenpotalk started on MT

Used to post on MAP sometimes, but it has been so long I don't remember my sign-in password. Also posted on FMA Talk and IKF forums before they shut down, so for many years now it's been just here.

FMA talk originated on MT too I believe. I still post on MAP once an a while, but nothing of substance anymore.... mostly fluff, music and the like
The one I do really miss is the original Empty Flower. That was loaded with a lot of CIMA guys and it was basically a XIngyiquan oriented site. Also use to post on a Florida Sanda site, don't remember the actual name, might have been 'Florida Sanshou' but those guys were serious Sanda fighters.
I remember e-budo and I think I participated there a little. I was on Budoseek, same name as here. One of the things I really liked about Budoseek was the requirement to use your actual real name, first and last. That way we had to own up to whatever comments we make, as they would forever be attributed to us. It seemed to cut down on people trolling, trash talking and just acting stupid because they were online.... We do a good job here, but I still wonder every once in a while, if certain things would have been said here if we had to post under our real names....
I remember e-budo and I think I participated there a little. I was on Budoseek, same name as here. One of the things I really liked about Budoseek was the requirement to use your actual real name, first and last. That way we had to own up to whatever comments we make, as they would forever be attributed to us. It seemed to cut down on people trolling, trash talking and just acting stupid because they were online.... We do a good job here, but I still wonder every once in a while, if certain things would have been said here if we had to post under our real names....
Just as a note, requiring real names does not mean you will get the real name... I was in IT security more a while back than I am now and I was not about to give anyone on the world wide web my real name.... I was Walter Jankowitz on a yoga site that required a real name.... and I assure you that is not my real name
Used to be on kenpotalk and MAP. Nowadays it's just here.

I was on kenpotalk as well. Great site back in the day. I wish that it would have been archived instead of just being taken down. Lots of good information on there.
Was never on those forums, but was very involved in K4L (Kyokushin4life) forum. A real shame that one closed down, some great people on there all sharing some awesome training ideas :). And I don't ever recall much nastiness there at all, seems like the respect and etiquette heavily emphasised in the Kyokushin dojos truly did follow there!
Was never on those forums, but was very involved in K4L (Kyokushin4life) forum. A real shame that one closed down, some great people on there all sharing some awesome training ideas :). And I don't ever recall much nastiness there at all, seems like the respect and etiquette heavily emphasised in the Kyokushin dojos truly did follow there!
MT has lost a lot of good people, from multiple styles, over the years