How does a true martial artist react when his mind starts to deceive him?


Yellow Belt
Aug 12, 2019
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Hello everybody.

i have beem performing martial arts in my early 20s for almost 5 years and i must say i have aquired a good sense of discipline and control and i even got better than i was befor in my teens.

After some years from quitting i was 26 then now am 29 , i have started to experience some weird mental problems like for example uncontrolled nervosity and agressivity . So i started visiting doctors to deal with this and i finally in 2017 debuted a treatement program with a psychologist witch concluded that i have a schizoid-paranoid disorder .

So i wonder what would a true martial artist do ? i mean with respect to traditional martial healing ?
Follow the advice from a psychiatrist/psychologist. Even those who would be qualified to help, can't give you advice online, knowing almost nothing about your symptoms (and don't take that as a sign to share your symptoms-that is for an in-person discussion with a qualified professional).
Listen to your docs.

And welcome to Martial Talk, bro.
Hello everybody.

i have beem performing martial arts in my early 20s for almost 5 years and i must say i have aquired a good sense of discipline and control and i even got better than i was befor in my teens.

After some years from quitting i was 26 then now am 29 , i have started to experience some weird mental problems like for example uncontrolled nervosity and agressivity . So i started visiting doctors to deal with this and i finally in 2017 debuted a treatement program with a psychologist witch concluded that i have a schizoid-paranoid disorder .

So i wonder what would a true martial artist do ? i mean with respect to traditional martial healing ?
Martial arts are primarily about fighting. If I want to learn a fighting skill, I ask a martial artist.

If I want help with mental issues, I talk to a doctor trained in psychology/psychiatry.
Welcome to mt, ditto on following professional advice to overcome this hurdle of life.
So i wonder what would a true martial artist do ? i mean with respect to traditional martial healing ?
A true martial artists would do what most people do. Listen to the medical professionals (aka your doctor) and keep training.

Your doctor is going to have a better grasp on treatment so anything that out side of that would need to be discussed with your doctor. A doctor who is trained in mental conditions is going to have years of information, studying, and experience in trying to treat various types of mental conditions. That same doctor may also have access to resources (other patients) who are going through the same thing and it's possible that one of those Patients may have a solution that helps them and it may work for you, but only the doctor would know that.

Martial Arts is Awesome, but it can't fix everything, nor is it the solution to everything.
Specialists are incredibly important. More so than your general care Doctor's. Seek, listen and stay with the specialist that you personally trust.

Using the right tools, is the bases of Martial Arts.
Specialists are incredibly important. More so than your general care Doctor's. Seek, listen and stay with the specialist that you personally trust.

Using the right tools, is the bases of Martial Arts.
yep its the usage of the right tools that i like
well I wouldn't be seeing a psychologist witch ! they may burn you

seriously just take the meds

Lolz . am back again .
i meant a psychiatrist which
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Welcome back, you may even find some training beneficial, even if you only practice some breathing, stretching, tension and relaxation etc.onwards and upwards.
There is a first time for everything! It takes bravery and strength to ask for and accept help. Take care of yourself, things like training will be waiting for you when you're ready.
Thanks a lot.

I think if i keep a normal life style including training , my illness wont be part of my day to day living.

Thats what i hope.
Just remember, martial arts is conducted by the body, but perfected by the mind, and good training improves both.
Thanks a lot.

I think if i keep a normal life style including training , my illness wont be part of my day to day living.

Thats what i hope.
That is a great outlook. I hope you can find the right thing(s) in your life to keep your mind on track. Martials arts are a great avenue to pursue. It can take you a lot of different ways and really keep you mind busy and focused on the right things.