How do you teach kids to be safe?


Master Black Belt
I remember seeing an Oprah show where a man ([FONT=arial, Arial, Helvetica]Ken Wooden[/FONT]) told Oprah how predators that feed on children get their attention and lure them away. The parents of the kids were aware of the situation and gave their consent believing that their kids will not follow the stranger. Mr. Wooden used the "I lost my puppy lure" and he had a flock of kids following him. The parents were all shocked. Some of them even mentioned how they practiced this scenario over and over.

What methods do you use to protect your kids?

A MA I know in class taught his kids that if he slaps his chest they need to drop. This focuses attention to him and away from his kids.

Some companies are coming out with a GPS for kids.

How can parents go over the common scenarios so that they will work?
-Never talk with strangers (no matter what they look like)
-I lost my pet
-Can you help me
-Asking for directions
-Using a stranger's cell phone to call home
-Chat rooms

Do you use the local news to create a scenario with your family?

Do you have a plan already laid out in case of a robbery?

Do you play games that help children become more aware of their surroundings?

If something seems wrong with your child are you aware of warning signs? When I used to work with kids I had to take classes on child abuse and what to look for.

Wish we lived in a peaceful world where everyone especially children are safe.