How do you rate this jeans and boots roundhouse kick?

This is ITF legend Jong Soo Park in 1959.

It's jaroslaw Suska, record world champion in ITF forms.

That's why I said that when it comes to forms, he is NOT a great reference, and he is a product of a different time when people knew less about body mechanics. And you can see based on how much I lean at my current height, that I would lean less than him at higher heights.

In my opinion, with a degree in Physical Education and a Masters in Kinesiology he's forgotten more about body mechanics than most Martial Artists will ever take the time to learn.

As far as forms go, both Bill Wallace and Joe Lewis did forms as well as anyone I've seen in the Arts to this day. Honest. They chose not to for their own reasons.
In my opinion, with a degree in Physical Education and a Masters in Kinesiology he's forgotten more about body mechanics than most Martial Artists will ever take the time to learn.

As far as forms go, both Bill Wallace and Joe Lewis did forms as well as anyone I've seen in the Arts to this day. Honest. They chose not to for their own reasons.

You kiddin me? Joe Lewis's side kick was like a hot knife cutting through butter..... It was also fast and incredibly powerful.
That's a stronger kicking posture than Mr Wallace, @Dirty Dogs hero:cool:

But like I said, we shouldn't compare different generations. It's just not fair.

If Mr Wallace and you were offering lessons in kicking... I would pay good money to take lessons with one of the two... but since we are not comparing... you will have to guess which one.
If Mr Wallace and you were offering lessons in kicking... I would pay good money to take lessons with one of the two... but since we are not comparing... you will have to guess which one.

Are you cranky that it was a stronger posture from some weasel online?;)
You kiddin me? Joe Lewis's side kick was like a hot knife cutting through butter..... It was also fast and incredibly powerful.

Joe's sidekick was like stepping in front of a speeding car. Really. I once said to him, "Let me grab some kicking shields, I want you to kick them with a step up side kick as hard as you can."

He replied, "Naw, you really don't." I said, yeah, I really do. He was right, I was wrong, lesson learned. I had plenty of time to ponder my fate as I was traveling through the air.

I've seen him do a few forms, too. Spot on. Kind of crazy watching him do them. I knew him for a few years before I saw that. My buddy, standing beside me said, "What, did you think they were going to suck?"

Wallace had such incredible form it was like somebody drew his movements. I remember at a tournament back in the day, he was being interviewed by Karate Illustrated Magazine. They were taking some photos. Wallace throws this slow side kick well over his head. The photographer runs out of film, has to reload the camera, asks Wallace to wait a minute. Wallace says, "take your time, I'll wait." And holds that damn sidekick over his head while the photographer changes film, all the while talking to us. He never wavered, didn't wobble, didn't look at the photographer, just talked to a bunch of us standing there. Kind of mind blowing if you try it. Kind of funny, too.
Joe's sidekick was like stepping in front of a speeding car. Really. I once said to him, "Let me grab some kicking shields, I want you to kick them with a step up side kick as hard as you can."

He replied, "Naw, you really don't." I said, yeah, I really do. He was right, I was wrong, lesson learned. I had plenty of time to ponder my fate as I was traveling through the air.

I've seen him do a few forms, too. Spot on. Kind of crazy watching him do them. I knew him for a few years before I saw that. My buddy, standing beside me said, "What, did you think they were going to suck?"

Wallace had such incredible form it was like somebody drew his movements. I remember at a tournament back in the day, he was being interviewed by Karate Illustrated Magazine. They were taking some photos. Wallace throws this slow side kick well over his head. The photographer runs out of film, has to reload the camera, asks Wallace to wait a minute. Wallace says, "take your time, I'll wait." And holds that damn sidekick over his head while the photographer changes film, all the while talking to us. He never wavered, didn't wobble, didn't look at the photographer, just talked to a bunch of us standing there. Kind of mind blowing if you try it. Kind of funny, too.

is the story about him lifting up Muhammed Ali true?

You don't regularly hear about powerlifters making great martial artists, but IF they do make that transition and have a knack for it... hold on to your hat...
I'll put up a new one but just out of curiousity, which height would you guys say this is? View attachment 23734
A video would have been better. All this shows is you can lift your leg to an average-ish height.

From the placement of the rear leg though(forward pointing toes) I can't imagine there could be much on this side kick. (I thought you were gonna show a higher roundhouse?)
A video would have been better. All this shows is you can lift your leg to an average-ish height.

From the placement of the rear leg though(forward pointing toes) I can't imagine there could be much on this side kick. (I thought you were gonna show a higher roundhouse?)

It's a roundhouse kick about .0.5 sec passed the target.
From the placement of the rear leg though(forward pointing toes) I can't imagine there could be much on this side kick. (I thought you were gonna show a higher roundhouse?)

If you can't tell that's a ball of the foot roundhouse kick, the embarrassment is on your part.
If you can't tell that's a ball of the foot roundhouse kick, the embarrassment is on your part.
I'd say it's on whoever taught you(if anyone) if you're being serious right now. I think everyone that has actual training in kicking has seen what needs to be seen lol.

Isn't it kind of odd to you all of these people with combined hundreds of years doing this are telling you the same thing?
I'd say it's on whoever taught you(if anyone) if you're being serious right now. I think everyone that has actual training in kicking has seen what needs to be seen lol.

Isn't it kind of odd to you all of these people with combined hundreds of years doing this are telling you the same thing?

Nobody besides you are saying that it was a side kick.
But thank you for exposing yourself. I know which one I will not bother with from now on.
All I am going to say is you need to quit worrying about height and work on form.

it depends on which era you are comparing it to..

This is Chuck Norris roundhouse kicking in the 60s. If he tried higher, his knee would be pointing down... And his hips would get closed.

The hand up in the sky is both poor form and poor control.

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Nobody besides you are saying that it was a side kick.
It looks like a messed up side kick to me too. But that could easily just be from the way the picture is taken/picture quality (and head on pictures aren't the best to showcase kicks in general).
It looks like a messed up side kick to me too. But that could easily just be from the way the picture is taken/picture quality (and head on pictures aren't the best to showcase kicks in general).

Side kick or roundhouse kick here.. ?


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Nobody besides you are saying that it was a side kick.
Yes, that's probably for the best. Even though you didn't show the kick, and instead just a still shot of your leg up, with you toes on both feet pointing in the complete wrong direction for a round kick, showing both that you are trying to impact with your toes(ouch, have you ever kicked anything) and that your rear leg is not engaged and there is no power mechanic, (toes pointed forward), I'm sure you are better at kicking than all of us.

Have a great day Mr Kung fu master.
Yes, that's probably for the best. Even though you didn't show the kick, and instead just a still shot of your leg up, with you toes on both feet pointing in the complete wrong direction for a round kick, showing both that you are trying to impact with your toes(ouch, have you ever kicked anything) and that your rear leg is not engaged and there is no power mechanic, (toes pointed forward), I'm sure you are better at kicking than all of us.

Have a great day Mr Kung fu master.

Ok, mr Wing Chun/MMA. I'm sure you know the parameters of ITF TaeKwondo:rolleyes:. Can you even get your leg up passed your johnson?