Depends on what kind of drill Im doing.
Many years ago, I had sets ofI routinely train three different straight punches, two different round kicks from the back leg, and two straight front kicks. Sometimes I choose to train just one option. Sometimes I train a range of them. Sometimes I just let happen whichever flows.
- long fist drills.
- preying mantis drills.
- Baji drills.
- WC drills.
- Taiji drills.
- XingYi drills.
- Chinese wrestling drills.
Today I only train one set of drills and I don't even know what style that I am training.

My drills has long fist basic, preying mantis speed, Baji power generation, WC protect center from inside out, Taiji relaxation, XingYi body unification, and Chinese wrestling throwing skill.
I prefer to spend my training time in application (such as how to apply a single leg and how to counter it) than in the style difference.
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