How do you punch properly?

Depends on what kind of drill Im doing.

I routinely train three different straight punches, two different round kicks from the back leg, and two straight front kicks. Sometimes I choose to train just one option. Sometimes I train a range of them. Sometimes I just let happen whichever flows.
Many years ago, I had sets of

- long fist drills.
- preying mantis drills.
- Baji drills.
- WC drills.
- Taiji drills.
- XingYi drills.
- Chinese wrestling drills.

Today I only train one set of drills and I don't even know what style that I am training. :)

My drills has long fist basic, preying mantis speed, Baji power generation, WC protect center from inside out, Taiji relaxation, XingYi body unification, and Chinese wrestling throwing skill.

I prefer to spend my training time in application (such as how to apply a single leg and how to counter it) than in the style difference.
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Many years ago, I had sets of

- long fist drills.
- preying mantis drills.
- Baji drills.
- WC center line principle.
- Taiji drills.
- XingYi drills.
- Chinese wrestling drills.

Today I only train one set of drills and I don't even know what style that I am training. :)

My drills has long fist basic, preying mantis speed, Baji power generation, WC protect center from inside out, Taiji relaxation, XingYi body unification, and Chinese wrestling throwing skill.

I prefer to spend my training time in application (such as how to apply a single leg and how to counter it) than in the style difference.
To me, all the different punches and kicks I train are all "my style". They didn't all come from my training in my primary style, but they all show up in my teaching of it.
ack Dempsey reccomends to punch with the last three knuckles of the hand (the pinky, the second and the middle), and to aim with the second.
I wouldn't recommend that if you are doing a boxing type jab. There specific techniques that allow you to hit using those knuckles. Every other punch using those knuckles will just cause you to break your hand or injure wrist by punching like that. .

Regard less of how you punch, wrist and fist structure is going to play a major role. The structure of the punch is largely determined on how the fist is formed. The fist that I use gives me 10 striking surfaces. If I make my fist a different way then I'll lose some of those option, which means I won't be able to do certain techniques.

If you really want to know how to punch correctly then first start with a fist.. Make a fist, take a picture of it, and then post it here. That way people can give you an answer that fits the type of fist you are using.
I routinely train three different straight punches, two different round kicks from the back leg, and two straight front kicks. Sometimes I choose to train just one option. Sometimes I train a range of them. Sometimes I just let happen whichever flows.
Good videos.

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