How Do You Incorporate Lessons from Wing Chun into Your Life?

My wife and I were painting our living room the other day. She started complaining that her hands were hurting. I said "Don't grip the roller so tight. Use the least amount of force necessary to get the job done, and your hands shouldn't bother you so much."

I don't think that applying martial arts to everyday life always has to be some big grand philosophical lesson. Sometimes it's something as simple as avoiding hand cramps while painting the living room.
My wife and I were painting our living room the other day. She started complaining that her hands were hurting. I said "Don't grip the roller so tight. Use the least amount of force necessary to get the job done, and your hands shouldn't bother you so much."

I don't think that applying martial arts to everyday life always has to be some big grand philosophical lesson. Sometimes it's something as simple as avoiding hand cramps while painting the living room.

It isn't, but in the example I made, it was LOL.

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