I am new to this message site, and have noticed that there are many people with vast years of experience, so with that being said, how do you handle burn out, or slumps in your training? Do you go on to something else, or work through it?
I would say it depends on your goals and what is causing your burnout. For me, it is rare to experience burnout as I am always excited to train, and even though I train for around 20 hours weekly, it is the only thing in my life I enjoy.
I would say it is more about perspective and mindset. If you are speaking about physical burnout where your body needs a break due to overuse or injury, that is another matter. It is something I am dealing with currently, but time comes and goes. But usually, the mind gives up before the body. That's why people can only hold a 3-minute plank, although our bodies have
the strength to lift entire cars during specific situations.
If what you are doing really matters to you, there are different avenues you can take. I rarely take a break - sometimes, however, it is beneficial to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. If you train for competition and fights, it might be hard to do so, but when I find myself getting overly frustrated, I like to meditate and ensure I realign my mindset. Ensure that the "I
have to go training tonight" shifts into "I
get to go to training tonight". The "I am not seeing improvements" becomes "I improve by just
1% daily, so improvements are hard to notice".
Furthermore, there is also the
Reminiscence effect. This can seem counter-intuitive but has a solid scientific grounding. This effect is the effect where your skills can improve after a layoff. And this doesn't just apply to skill, but to physical attributes too. Soviet researchers found that many of their weightlifters became stronger, and more technical with their lifts after a 1-2 week break. If you become frustrated, take a step back and inquire whether your mindset is the one you need, and what you can do to change it. After you do so, return within a week and push forward.