How do I get over this tiredness??

okay- I'll see if I can get that checked out as soon as I can. Someone else suggested I might be anemic- that would totally suck :(
If you do have iron tests, make sure they do a complete CBC. If they only check hematocrit/hemoglobin, they could be missing some serious factors like iron count and iron binding capacity (believe me, my doctors really messed up by only checking hematocrit and hemoglobin - the iron binding capacity showed that my body wasn't storing iron even though the hema/hemo were close to normal. My hair fell out and I was dead tired.)
^^^ ooooh ok :) I'll do that :) Your hair really fell out???
Enough fell out that I needed a wig. The doctor's misdiagnosed the alopecia as female pattern baldness.

It took forever to get them to run the correct tests even though I had the classic symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia. After 9 months of iron supplementation, most of my hair came back in. Imagine that.

Please don't take iron supplements without doctor's approval. They are toxic and most men probably shouldn't even take a multivitamin with iron.

A big key that one is iron deficient is breathlessness. A little bit of exertion can leave you panting.
^^ yeah that makes sense- my stamina doesn't seem the best- 'specially when sparring. I'll be getting a checkup this week.
^^ yeah that makes sense- my stamina doesn't seem the best- 'specially when sparring. I'll be getting a checkup this week.
Hopefully, you doctor will order fasting blood tests so they can check your fasting blood glucose. Low blood sugar can make you feel like a slug, too. Anyone can get low blood sugar. You could be snoring at night, interrupting your sleep. You might just need more sleep. You could be eating too many junk carbohydrates which can causes blood sugar crashes. Could be a low grade infection or an allergy. Let's see....let's just hope they can pinpoint the problem and not just treat the symptoms.

A lot of colds and allergies are going around this time of year. If you are fighting off something, that could make you feel unusually tired.

I hate to be so negative but if they try to say you are depressed, watch out. That's an easy way out for some doctors when they don't know what to do...or it's too much effort to think.
^^ Depression? Why would they say that? Like how would that effect someone physically? hehe thanks for the info. I should be going for a checkup thursday or friday. :)
^^ Depression? Why would they say that? Like how would that effect someone physically? hehe thanks for the info. I should be going for a checkup thursday or friday. :)

I don't know much about it- admittedly- however I used to train with somebody whom had to leave our school because of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Apparently this was caused, or was closely linked to his downward spiral into depression, following several nasty incidents in his personal life. In this case, depression did have physical ramifications for the person involved, not just mental.
I agree with everyone who tells you to see a doctor. There are many organic reasons for feeling tired without any other symptoms and it could be ann indication of a serious illness.

I read a list of the 10 most commonly overlooked medical conditions and two of them are thyroid problems and vitamin B12 deficiency and both of these can cause you to feel rundown.

Other diseases like arthritis and lyme disease can have similar symptoms in addition to the more widely recognized symptoms of those diseases.
Hello, Have you look into to Qigong? try several of the web sites and try a few of the excerise's given for "energy" thru Qiqong!

Qigong is about healing thru easy to do movements that open the meridians.....take a look at it and see if there is something for you!

okay sorry it's been a while. I finally went and saw the doctor and my tests came back normal. I hate going to doctors in the first place- but the whole time I felt like she didn't even believe me. I tried explaining how my hands shake and how my head hurts whenever I do jumping jacks or jump rope etc., and she's just like, well it's probably just stress and you should just eats snacks in between meals, or go see a specialist. I hate doctors- I'm supposed to go get an MRI just in case- but I can't find my note from the doctor! :( so as soon as I track that down I'll go and get that done. It's not like I'm always in chronic pain- but at times I know my potential can be much better!
^^ Depression? Why would they say that? Like how would that effect someone physically? hehe thanks for the info. I should be going for a checkup thursday or friday. :)

Clinical Depression can definatily effect you physically because among other factors, your brain is not triggering enough seratonin and norepinephrine, which can greatly effect your physical capabilities, and can make you feel "sluggish" or "fatigued." I do not recommend taking SSR's or some other kind of drug, however, unless it is really a last resort. I only say that because some doctors are quick to prescribe that **** rather then look for alternative methods, and there are arguably serious side effects to the drugs.

But point is your "mood" can definatily have direct effects on your physical condition. Not saying that is it, just something to consider...

Hey there -

I can't say i know exactly how you feel but i do have an idea.
I have clinical depression which can cause extreme fatigue - there use to be days that i couldn't muster the energy to get out of bed.
I'm not in anyway suggesting that you have depression but it might be worth having a quick look at some web site such as beyond blue ( if you have been expriencing low motivation for life, low energy and a general dullness in terms of emotions.

What i would suggest though is that your diet may not be as good as you think. I recently kept a food diary for a week and i was discusted with the amount of crap i was putting in my body. Give it a go even if you think your brilliant and then review it at the end of the might be surprised.

Another thing is water. What you are experiencing may be a result of dehydration. On the days you are training make sure you have at least 2L of water before hand and that you keep away from coffee and soft drinks.

Lastly, try eating meals high in vitamine B a few hours before hand. My understanding is that Vite B is great for energy. I personally eat a couple of Vegimite sandwiches (yes i'm an Aussie and i think it tastes great) and have found it helps heaps.

Oh....and go to another doctor for a second opinion

I hope some of this helps...i know it helped me.

Best wishes
Hey there -

Lastly, try eating meals high in vitamine B a few hours before hand. My understanding is that Vite B is great for energy. I personally eat a couple of Vegimite sandwiches (yes i'm an Aussie and i think it tastes great) and have found it helps heaps.

Sorry for off topic rant....but Vegemite does taste great doesn't it!!! It is truly one of the wonders of this beautiful sunburnt country of ours. Mmmm...end of off topic rant.

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