rmcrobertson said:
First off, my point is that while of course there's criticism of De Lay et al, what we DON'T see is the sort of claim against Dworkin (and in passing against Clinton): that her ideas are driven entirely by psychosexual trauma, that her good points are hidden by her stridency.
I don't recall saying that her ideas are driven entirely by psychosexual trauma; she clearly has a vast body of work and thought that several commenters, including myself in passing, have pointed out as being of benefit and forwarding the feminist cause.
The sorts of claims we see instead of guys like De Lay et al are, if anything, less positive; on the left, we refer to them as "wingnuts", "loons", "psychopaths", "monsters". But I guess that's somehow better than occasionally analyzing the past of a particular feminist and how it applies to her violent tone, at least in your book.
rmcrobertson said:
"Well, maybe what Dworking shows us is that good analysis can come out of sexual trauma, whether real or imagined--just as Gandhi's embrace of absolute poverty (like his interest in having women given him regular enemas), which undoubtedly had roots in his early childhood, helped him both understand what was wrong in India and provide an example to millions?
The reason I didn't say that was because Dworkin's primary contribution was not her good analysis, but her revenge fantasies that set back feminism, damaged male-female relationships, armed the likes of Ann Coulter and Pat Robertson for decades.
rmcrobertson said:
I agree that there's a prob with rational communication--it's just not mine.
Given your proclivity to simply not read large portions of my previous posts in this thread, I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree.
rmcrobertson said:
Second off, I was quite specific about the Clintons being mildly leftist, which they are--especially by opresent standards.
Nixon was mildly leftist by present standards -- that doesn't make him a leftist. As a brief review, the Clintons (I sweep them up in a category unfairly to cover the acts of both President and NY Senator):
-- Supported sanctions that killed millions of Iraqis without harming the dictator
-- Began the process of shipping prisoners overseas to countries where torture was legal to "improve interrogation" (bet you thought that was a Bush innovation)
-- Began the depradations of civil liberties found in the Patriot Act (bet you thought that was a Bush innovation)
-- Gave us the Welfare Reform Act
-- Initiated and supported Social Security Privitization (bet you thought that was a Bush innovation)
-- Let's not forget, constantly lied, dissembled, purjured, and evaded to cover an affair with an intern
-- Taking stands against really critical issues like videogame violence
-- And supported, voted for, and continue to support the War in Iraq
Wow, they sound like stand-up progressives to me.
And when you ask how I can dare say people "deify" the Clintons, maybe it's because I constantly hear leftists say "I wish we could just have Clinton back" or "I can't wait until Hillary runs for president!" These are people who either have no idea what Bill Clinton actually accomplished as president, what Hillary intends to "stand for" as a candidate, or who don't care what really happens to the country as long as the "other team" isn't in power.
rmcrobertson said:
More to the point, I'm still waiting for any sort of explanation of the endless list (and it is an endless list) of not only crimes, but day-to-day assaults of every kind upon women: if Dworkin doesn't have anything to say, then what's the explanation for where this stuff comes from?
As evidenced by your continued inability to find evidence to the contrary, no one ever said Dworkin had nothing to say; EVERYONE on this thread has said she had something to contribute.