How did Newsweek get Sarah Palin to pose with a rifle?

For all the long time members, who're probably more than aware of the posting rules here, but find it necessary to disregard them every chance they get, here they are again.

That being said, lets stop the personal shots and insults at one another, and try to act like mature adults.

Mike Slosek
MT Asst. Admin
The point of the tread as I read it is that the media is where many Amaricans go to get "facts". The fact is most of the "media" knows zippo about firearms. And quite a few media outlets are of the political opinion that guns should be outlawed.

So do the math.
The point of the tread as I read it is that the media is where many Amaricans go to get "facts". The fact is most of the "media" knows zippo about firearms. And quite a few media outlets are of the political opinion that guns should be outlawed.

So do the math.
Actually, the point of the thread was to make fun of those in the self-appointed intelligentsia that are so woefully ignorant they cannot tell a shotgun from a rifle, and the idiocy that leads to lines like this:
Hey, is that even the right way to hold a rifle? Can't you shoot your foot off like that?
For the record, the point of this thread had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the article IN Newsweek, only with the "Highly trained Journalist's" blog post about the cover picture. I have no idea what the Newsweek article says, it isn't germane to this thread in the least, and I did not post a link to it. What is germane, and what I did post a link to is Elizabeth Snead's blog post wherein she identifies a shotgun as a rifle and then asks if you could shoot your foot off like that.

Anyone who wants to read the Newsweek article is free to do so, however, that is NOT what we are talking about here. If someone would like to post a thread about the Newsweek article and begin a discussion of it, they are, of course, free to do so.

To discuss the Newsweek article in this thread ABOUT THE BLOG POST, is, at best, off topic.
See ... you had me up until you had to insult everyone. Why do you need to do that?

It's the uninformed voters they hope to reach. There is no question Obama supports gun restrictions and it's one reason I won't vote for him.

Source. Go there, scroll down to * Barack Obama on Gun Control * and click on the link "11 full quotes on Gun Control." There you will find a belief system that erodes at constitutional rights.

You can compare that to this - his voting record.

'Moron'....'Uninformed'......whichever you prefer......
It's the uninformed voters they hope to reach. There is no question Obama supports gun restrictions and it's one reason I won't vote for him.

  • Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998)

Source. Go there, scroll down to * Barack Obama on Gun Control * and click on the link "11 full quotes on Gun Control." There you will find a belief system that erodes at constitutional rights.

You can compare that to this - his voting record.

You know... I just need to comment on that Bolded point. I would love to have the chance to ASK all of the supporters of the Ban on Semi Automatic firearms if they can define what "Semi Automatic" means.

Because I'm willing to bet a Hundred of Dollar that most of them will use the definition for Full auto or Select fire weapon because they have no clue and just play off the word "Automatic"
You know... I just need to comment on that Bolded point. I would love to have the chance to ASK all of the supporters of the Ban on Semi Automatic firearms if they can define what "Semi Automatic" means.

Because I'm willing to bet a Hundred of Dollar that most of them will use the definition for Full auto or Select fire weapon because they have no clue and just play off the word "Automatic"

I'll bet you're right.

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