how 'bout a new sub forum?


Senior Master
Jul 7, 2008
Reaction score
"health tips for the martial artist" is a good board, but i was wondering if we could get a forum dedicated to strength & conditioning. i know exile has pretty extensive knowledge of s&c training, & i bet quite a few others do too.

How much discussion have we had on that so far?
Is it difficult to create sub forums? I realize it would be pointless to have too many but I notice that Indian martial arts (Gatka, Kalaripayattu etc.)end up in the Indochina section for lack of a better place. I directed a new person to the forums recently and he couldn't find what he was looking for.
It's not, but a section that only gets a dozen posts a year is going to really look deserted (something we're looking at in eliminating a few underused sections now). If we've got a need or enough members want to really make a push with, I'm always happy to set something up.
Start some topics, lets see how they go, and if they take off, we can add the section and move em in. Also, if you find any topics in other forums that should fit this one, let us know here and we'll have a better idea. :)
thanks bob, i will post away under health tips for the time being.
