Yellow Belt
That's not only from the uneducated. There are a lot of Aikido instructors - including some with high ranks (5th dan and up) who say that about Aikido. That's part of the problem Aikido is dealing with, IMO.
I have even heard instructors say that in a defensive situation, the aim is to gently subdue with no injury. They seemed to expect it to work like the stylized drills in class.
1. And some of them even say that aikido is a style of japanese tango (on one of seminars that I visited and still regret over the money that I have spent).
2. It's not possible to subdue somebody without injury in a street attack that happens so fast. It's rarity to not hurt the attacker or somebody to not even touch you like many aikidokas preach.
Now I'm really disappointed that when I visit seminars, I rarely see very good aikido practitioners that have indeed good techniques and many quasi - practitioners and instructors out there.
Exactly. I don't know where, when or how it happened but somewhere along the way many in the community started to see Aikido in a way similar to "exercise" Tai Chi. It is seen by them as being for health, fitness and spiritual cultivation through mindfulness.
One time, 4-5 years ago, there was a middle - aged Chinese that rented a flat in my neighborhood in a big house. I personally witnessed how 3 guys tried to break into his flat and before me and my friend can call the police, we hear male screaming and breaking noise from the house and shortly after, 3 injured males running wildly from the house and this short Chinese chasing them. We learned that he was tai chi practitioner and instructor for long period in his hometown. He explain to us that tai chi, even if nowadays it's no longer practiced in martial way, it is rich with martial applications if you know how to use it. I underestimated aikido and tai chi before, laughing on that "dancing - like" moves, but there were people that prove me wrong. So, neither aikido nor tai chi is just "exercise".