How about you?


Black Belt
Aug 5, 2009
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So I just signed up for BJJ classes! I'm really excited because for the past 22 years I have trained in striking arts (with qinna, but that's not ground work really though it could be incorporated). This should take me completely out of my element and challenge me in new and interesting ways.

How long has everyone been training in BJJ here and what got you stated? Do you still train for the same reasons that made you join or has your perspective changed?

What is your favorite thing about the art, what is your least and why?
So I just signed up for BJJ classes! I'm really excited because for the past 22 years I have trained in striking arts (with qinna, but that's not ground work really though it could be incorporated). This should take me completely out of my element and challenge me in new and interesting ways.

How long has everyone been training in BJJ here and what got you stated? Do you still train for the same reasons that made you join or has your perspective changed?

What is your favorite thing about the art, what is your least and why?
I've been training for just about 3 years. Why I changed is a longer post than I've got energy to write, but I am still in it for health and happiness. I enjoy the exercise and I couldn't ask for a nicer bunch of people to train with.

Growing up in Texas, we pretty much played tackle football and fought for fun (whether it was "real" fighting or just for fun). BJJ is as close to the balls out horseplay I grew up with as you can find as an adult.
Been doing BJJ for about 8 months. Switched to BJJ from JJJ. I enjoyed the JJJ but came to believe after much research that if your not live sparring then its all for naught. My BJJ instructor is also a senior instructor for Paul Vunak PFS so I get my standup/SD stuff in there too.

I train for lots of reasons, but mostly because its really fun.
Yeah, I'm having a absolute blast, and it is a real eye opener for me and I feel that my entire approach to the way I fight is going to change for the better. Right now I'm already learning so much on how to not be taken down and if I am how to make it advantageous to me. I also see so many opportunities to use my striking arts while rolling. With every class I become more and more confident that I choose to cross train in the right art.

My favorite thing is that we roll every class. We learn things and then try them out in the same class!
3 months. I'm a newbie to BJJ. I love it. It can be rough drilling chokes, and its even rougher for me to roll being relatively new with the few guys in my class a month or two a head of me.

But I've always wanted to train BJJ. I've tried some the the stand up arts. Either not likely the style, or maybe I just had some stuff come up that prevented me from going back. Nothing with the school. Just life stuff.

But I love it. I love rolling learning & challenging myself. All the guys I train with are awesome. My instructor is awesome. Just watching the other guys roll. I learn a lot. So I've got a lot to put into my next session when I continually roll.

I've got some training gloves I may take with me & use or let one of the guys rolling use just to see if it helps with grip or maybe if bare hands work better.
I train in both stand up and grappling. It is very useful to know both, however, I am big advocate in staying on your feet in an actual fight.

My favourite thing about grappling is the strategy of it. I know there is strategy in stand up also, but it is much more spontaneous. Due to the nature of grappling, there is slightly more time to think about it.