house uses 4000% increase in water


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Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
Here is the link, the woman water bill has been around $30 every month now it is over $1100 and they want her to pay.
Here is the link, the woman water bill has been around $30 every month now it is over $1100 and they want her to pay.

In NC, our next-door-neighbor got a water bill for $600, and it turned out to be a broken water pipe from the street to the house - it was her responsibility. She was able to negotiate it down to $300, but she had to shell out $5,000 to get the pipe fixed.
It's not uncommon for the first indication that there's a problem with the water supply line after the meter to be a huge bill -- and you are generally responsible for it, at least until you report it. Hopefully, the water authority will work with you... because that bill can (obviously!) be huge!

Of course, I know of a case where it worked the other way. The meter was broken, it was reported, and it took them months to realize it... while the originial client didn't get charged for a drop of water!
99-Year-Old's Water Bill Jumps Almost 4000% WASA: 139,876 gallons went into Northwest house

Updated 2:41 PM EDT, Fri, Jun 19, 2009
WASHINGTON -- Stop complaining about your utility bills. Jeannette Cohen's water bill jumped almost 4000 percent.

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An elderly Northwest woman usually pays $30 per month for water, but her March bill was almost $1,200.
The 99-year-old northwest Washington woman insists it must be a mistake. Usually, her water bill is $30. In March, she did a double take.
"I got my usual bill and opened the envelope and looked at the amount," she said. "Huh? I looked again."
It was $1,181.
Cohen complained and had plumbers check her house twice. Usually, she uses about 3,000 gallons of water per month. D.C. Water and Sewer Authority's records show that 139,876 gallons went into her house that month, and they insist she must pay for them.
"It's just so obvious that, as the plumber said, 'You couldn't use that much water,'" she told News4's Tom Sherwood.
Ellen Cohen is worried about the stress this could cause her mother in law. Jeannette Cohen has lived in the same, modest house in the Tenley Circle area since 1955, and in December she turns 100.

Another sign of the break down of the system... Sheesh!
It's DC. 'Nuff said... unfortunately.

DC government agencies are still largely a mess. And they will be for the foreseeable future.
In NC, our next-door-neighbor got a water bill for $600, and it turned out to be a broken water pipe from the street to the house - it was her responsibility. She was able to negotiate it down to $300, but she had to shell out $5,000 to get the pipe fixed.

Wow! that's a nice chunk of cash. It's pretty sad.
When I lived in New Orleans, I once got a gas bill for $998.00 (it was usually about $10 per month.) When I called to complain, the company told me I must have a gas leak. My response to that was, "Ma'am, if I had a gas leak that big, you'd be able to hear it from your office!" And yes, they wanted me to pay it. I had to call the Utilities Regulatory Board and get assistance from them in findng out what the problem was. Turns out someone had misplaced a decimal point (did I mention this was a long time ago?). Sheesh.
When I lived in New Orleans, I once got a gas bill for $998.00 (it was usually about $10 per month.) When I called to complain, the company told me I must have a gas leak. My response to that was, "Ma'am, if I had a gas leak that big, you'd be able to hear it from your office!" And yes, they wanted me to pay it.

This happened to me recently too. I got a gad bill for more use in 1 month than I had for the 6 month winter period the previous year... I called and said WTF? and luckily had a sympathetic ear on the other end... she sent me to read the meter, and it turns out the #%$&ing meter reader read it backwards. They adjusted my bill for me.
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Urk! :erg: umm okay just did it then refreshed and saw that it was already done... umm ... nevermind and THANKS...

*off topic* I usually don't like using RTM except for bad posts but will use it from now on for stuff like this... thank you. *back on topic*
Urk! :erg: umm okay just did it then refreshed and saw that it was already done... umm ... nevermind and THANKS...

*off topic* I usually don't like using RTM except for bad posts but will use it from now on for stuff like this... thank you. *back on topic*
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