Hooray for me! Finally found a place to train.


Green Belt
I moved to SW Ohio in November and since then have had a heck of a time finding a place to train. Not that there aren't plenty of dojos here but it was difficult to find one that was similar to where I came from. The system I trained in back in Georgia was Wado, plus the instructor was a cop who taught LE Self Defense (mostly Jujitsu based) and had added that to his curriculum. It was a great program and hard to duplicate. I've been going around to different dojos and taking free lessons looking for something similar and am thrilled to say that yesterday I found it here:


When I first looked over the website I thought it was too good to be true. Master Taningco seemed like a Filipino version of Chuck Norris. I've always been suspicious of Martial Artists with overly impressive resumes. But, after training with him, I think he's the real deal. He's also a really nice guy. Anyway, I'm training in his Kenpo/Jujitsu system, which is very similar to what I'm used to. The Karate component is different from Wado but I have trained in Kenpo in the past so it isn't completely foreign either. I have to start as a white belt but that's O.K. with me.

Anyhow, I'm stoked. Can't wait to get back there and train some more.