honsuki and NCK


Master Black Belt
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
Is there anyone out there who has learned this form from Master Cerio?

Well at least from someone who learned it directly from master Cerio


p.s good to hear from you Jesse
what is it that you are trying to figure out with this form? There are many versions -- Its good to see your still out there searching for things Marlon.
what is it that you are trying to figure out with this form? There are many versions -- Its good to see your still out there searching for things Marlon.

it is a form different from all the other sk forms. I think that an original form such as this done in the closest way to the original will 'teach' you something of the roots of the style and the style of the originator. in the end i am working on figuring out shaolin kempo. As for still searching...Jesse there is so much i do not know and almost every newe thing i learn teaches me something about what i thought i already knew that...well...forever a student

me too Matt. Many thanks for all your work on the archive andf history of shaolin kempo

With respect
BTW, if you guys, (Matt,Chris <Jesse...) are interested it would be great to come down and just train. Work the techniques hard and 'pound' out some questions instead of only thinking about them. your experience and expertise with applications of forms and combinations and some situational attacks with some contact and resistance with other black belts or whoever would be a huge benefit to training. I would love to take some bruises from you guys in org\der to learn and really flesch out some things in SK. Training is truth. Let me know if we can set a date in the spring?

BTW, if you guys, (Matt,Chris <Jesse...) are interested it would be great to come down and just train. Work the techniques hard and 'pound' out some questions instead of only thinking about them. your experience and expertise with applications of forms and combinations and some situational attacks with some contact and resistance with other black belts or whoever would be a huge benefit to training. I would love to take some bruises from you guys in org\der to learn and really flesch out some things in SK. Training is truth. Let me know if we can set a date in the spring?


I'm in.
I'd love to see someone doing the Hansuki...I think there's an old thread floating around that mentions this form and the different parties involved with it...
I'm surprised its not on You Tube. I think I ahve a copy on an old Villari White To Black VHS, I'll see if I can get that posted in the next week or so...
here's a link to a video of my sensei doing hon suki a few weeks ago at a tournament in Portland Maine...
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here's a link to a video of my sensei doing hon suki a few weeks ago at a tournament in Portland Maine...

That's the same link. Jeff Lamkin's tournament. Is he still with Northern Chi? Is your instructor a Northern Chi person? Just curious as to where that version comes from.
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That's the same link. Jeff Lamkin's tournament. Is he still with Northern Chi? Is your instructor a Northern Chi person? Just curious as to where that version comes from.

Jeff isn't with Northern Chi anymore, I think he learned this prior to joining with them. I'll find out who he got the form from and let you know.