Hong Kong Visit


Master of Arts
Has anyone got any experiences of visits to Hong Kong?
Hoping to visit the great ip Chun and just wanted any advice

Other than I don't think Ip Chun speaks English so bring a translator if you don't speak Cantonese I got nothin'
You've both been very helpful! Lol

Good advice on the translator though. I've heard that he does have students who can speak english etc, but I will try and get one of my guys who are fluent in Cantonese
Has anyone got any experiences of visits to Hong Kong?
Hoping to visit the great ip Chun and just wanted any advice


Take him out to a nice restaurant. Fight for the bill if you have to. Pour his tea for him. If someone pours you tea, do the two-knuckles knocking on the table thing as well as saying thank you.

Take him out to a nice restaurant. Fight for the bill if you have to. Pour his tea for him. If someone pours you tea, do the two-knuckles knocking on the table thing as well as saying thank you.


Do you know where the two knuckles thing originated?
Apparently it was in the days of the Shaolin temple - the Emperor would want to stroll amongst his people in disguise
He would therefore wear a disguise, accompanied by several bodyguards who would also wear a disguise

When they ate at a restaurant, the bodyguards would knock two knuckles on the table to show respect for the Emperor before they drank or ate anything

I just love the story

The dates for this trip should be 24th October - 1st April 2009
All are welcome along and we will be doing all kinds of training out there (some of our stuff and some of whatever Hong kong has to offer!)
I've been there before not for training , just for a holiday . My missus works in the hotel industry and she was able to get us a cheap flight there , we were only there for a couple of days .

From what I remember it was stinking hot , not a dry heat like Oz but a really humid sweat your **** off type of heat , and watch out for the indian blokes that make suits .

When they see a white guy they think your a walking bank , they keep asking can they make you a suit , when you tell them you aren't interested they keep following you up the street and they can be quite aggressive .

I had to threaten one of them in no uncertain terms as he kept on harrassing my wife and I and wouldn't take no for an answer . The chinese people themselves were great , its a bit funny though when you go into a restaurant and you get served by a waiter with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth , this is going back about 8 years ago maybe things have changed since then .

Anyway have a good time and enjoy yourself and get stuck into those chicken feet mate.
I've been there before not for training , just for a holiday . My missus works in the hotel industry and she was able to get us a cheap flight there , we were only there for a couple of days .

From what I remember it was stinking hot , not a dry heat like Oz but a really humid sweat your **** off type of heat , and watch out for the indian blokes that make suits .

When they see a white guy they think your a walking bank , they keep asking can they make you a suit , when you tell them you aren't interested they keep following you up the street and they can be quite aggressive .

I had to threaten one of them in no uncertain terms as he kept on harrassing my wife and I and wouldn't take no for an answer . The chinese people themselves were great , its a bit funny though when you go into a restaurant and you get served by a waiter with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth , this is going back about 8 years ago maybe things have changed since then .

Anyway have a good time and enjoy yourself and get stuck into those chicken feet mate.

Nice. To be honest, I would love to have a suit made for me. Although they might have a challenge with me due to my size!!

But I do hate people hassling you in the street - no means no!!

I'm going to have to learn punjabi and cantonese for 'I am a leper do not touch me' lol

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