Homeowner had 'a right to resist


Senior Master
Homeowner had 'a right to resist'

Judge acquits John Coffin on 5 felony charges; Coffin gets time served on 6th.

SARASOTA -- John Coffin won't spend any more time in jail for beating up two sheriff's deputies inside his house, striking one in the head with a Taser gun he took from the other.

Circuit Judge Rick De Furia said at Coffin's trial Tuesday that he doesn't condone the violence against the deputies.

But Coffin, 56, had a right to defend his family and property because the deputies had no right to be in Coffin's house in the first place, De Furia said.

"Law enforcement was responsible for the chain of events here," De Furia said. "I think in situations like this, officers become so frustrated they go beyond what the law allows them to do."
good good. while officers have a right to uphold the law, they are not above it. i know MANY officers in this area, and some are related to me, they are very nice people. however, some can be kind of over the top.

i remember when i got into an argument with my mom and the cops came to our house (big story, noone hurt, but w/e) that the Sheriff that came was extremely disrespectful to me jsut because i was 18. asking personal, private questions about our family, almost yelling at me, giving my mom suggestions on what she should to do parent...it totally wasnt his place to do that. needless to say, i said some things of my own to him, and he eventually left with both of us angry at each other.

with great power comes great responsiblity. yeah, stupid spiderman quote, but it fits the bill perfectly. you just cant abuse it.
awsome! while i dont think that you should go around beeting up sherrifs, i also hate when these guys (sherrifs/cops/) think that they are above/ are the law and can do what ever they want.

i hope a lesson was learnd on both ends.
Excellent. Justice prevailed, and a couple cops discovered that their badge number doesn't begin with "00", a rare enough occurence.