Hollywood politics and domestic disasters


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this article discusses the slow reaction of hollywood to certain disasters that may occur during the reign of a democrat president vs. the disasters that occur during those of republicans. I usually see these guys when they do international relief efforts but this is an interesting point. The article brings up FarmAid during the reagan administration and yet a complete lack of the same during this election cycle for home forclosures. A double standard? Hmmmm...

The article:


from the article:

During Bush 43’s Administration, “A Concert for Hurricane Relief” was thrown together with, well, whirlwind speed and nationally broadcast on NBC, MSNBC and CNBC, showcasing artists including Harry Connick Jr., Wynton Marsalis and Tim McGraw. Matt Lauer of the “Today” show acted as host of the telethon. ”Shelter From the Storm” was another big Hollywood fundraiser featuring a Bush-bashing Kanye West. Such star-studded Katrina fundraising is still ongoing.
Yet in May 2011, as hundreds of Americans have been killed and thousands made homeless in the storm and flood ravaged Midwest and South, the headline-grabbing stars of Katrina and FarmAid are strangely absent. No Kayne West attacks on government inaction, no Sean Penn boat rides to New Orleans.
By contrast, and far from Hollywood, the Bible Belt/gun rack/Country Western music crowd has already stepped up with the “Music Builds: CMT Disaster Relief Concert” aired live on CMT and CMT.com. But such Bible Belt bitter-clingers hardly count as part of the true Hollywood elite pop culture warriors.
this article discusses the slow reaction of hollywood to certain disasters that may occur during the reign of a democrat president vs. the disasters that occur during those of republicans. I usually see these guys when they do international relief efforts but this is an interesting point. The article brings up FarmAid during the reagan administration and yet a complete lack of the same during this election cycle for home forclosures. A double standard? Hmmmm...

The article:


from the article:

During Bush 43’s Administration, “A Concert for Hurricane Relief” was thrown together with, well, whirlwind speed and nationally broadcast on NBC, MSNBC and CNBC, showcasing artists including Harry Connick Jr., Wynton Marsalis and Tim McGraw. Matt Lauer of the “Today” show acted as host of the telethon. ”Shelter From the Storm” was another big Hollywood fundraiser featuring a Bush-bashing Kanye West. Such star-studded Katrina fundraising is still ongoing.
Yet in May 2011, as hundreds of Americans have been killed and thousands made homeless in the storm and flood ravaged Midwest and South, the headline-grabbing stars of Katrina and FarmAid are strangely absent. No Kayne West attacks on government inaction, no Sean Penn boat rides to New Orleans.
By contrast, and far from Hollywood, the Bible Belt/gun rack/Country Western music crowd has already stepped up with the “Music Builds: CMT Disaster Relief Concert” aired live on CMT and CMT.com. But such Bible Belt bitter-clingers hardly count as part of the true Hollywood elite pop culture warriors.
Have you personally donated to tornado relief or are you just saying? I don't racall any tornado relief concerts ever; so, maybe there is just a profound lack of interest from both sides of the fence.
Actually there was a tornado fundraiser involving several country music stars.
I don't recall the station it aired on, likely CMT, and I think it was rebroadcast on the net.

But seriously!
I think we all have a little battle fatigue in the disaster area!
Haiti, Japan, 3 major tornadoes, weeks apart....

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