Hollywood has warped the ways of true fighting

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It angers me that people don't relize the stuff they see on t.v. won't do them as well in a fight. You talk about any average person in America, and they will tell you, "Oh, I can fight cause I will get more kicks in" or "That guy who you faught got more punches on you meaning he is a better fighter. It seems that many people now a days get all their info from movies they watch or sports they watch on t.v. like boxing or kickboxing. I mean those styles will help you, but it doesn't mean just because t.v. guys do it, doesn't mean it is going to help you much on the street.

Many people think fighting arts like wrestling or judo are worthless in a real fight just because there is know punching or kicking in it and it isn't what they see in the movies. Even though in real life grappling arts are more effective than striking in many cases. Many people also think that you have to kick like Jacky Chan to really win in any street fight.

Well, you catch my point, what do you think about all this?
Hollywood is concerned with one thing and one thing only-Entertainment. The fight scenes you see in films are not supposed to be realistic, they are supposed to be entertaining. If realism were the only prerequisite, Van Damme and others like him would never have been successful. You think wired martial arts fight scenes are supposed to be realistic? Who's pay $7 to see a Shotokan or TKD guy do one technique and the fights over? Studios spend lots of money, and hire professional stuntment, to provide long drawn out fight scenes that are supposed to be exciting. You want realism? Join a gang and practice self defense for real. And 6 months later, when you are either dead, scarred, or maimed, you will have experienced real fighting.
Besides, it's not Hollywood's fault people don't find BJJ or grappling exciting. You think I'd pay money to see two guys wrestling around on the ground? I can do that in my backyard.
You mean the Matrix isn't the true way of real combat.... Looks like I had it all wrong this entire time. :-popcorn:
Marginal said:
You're about a decade late with your observations.
I agree and I also agree with MichiganTKD.
Most people know that Hollywood version of fighting and actual fighting are two different things altogether. Those who don't understand the difference are going to be hurt when they try to do a Van Damme kick or a Walker Texas Ranger round-house kick.
99% of the fights I've been in went to the ground within the first 30 seconds and none of them were flashy by any means.
I enjoy a good "hollywood" fight scene as much as the next person. Sometimes they're just so damn cool. But also I understand that those scenes probably were done in three or four takes til they got it right.
Camera angles, lighting and FX are what make the fights really outstanding.
Some moves are for real but again they're done by professionals and done several times and the punches/kicks are almost never connected.
Understanding and knowing the differences make movies enjoyable.
a writer who choreographs a fight for tv would have a heart attack if they ever seen a real fight
8253 said:
a writer who choreographs a fight for tv would have a heart attack if they ever seen a real fight
Actually, Most coreographors are seasoned veterans in the Martial Arts. But that is beside the point. What is in the media is fun, and Many of the techniques, If you really watch with a scrutinizing eye, would actually work in real life. They aren't the most practical moves, but they are fun, and entertaining. One of our instructors has taken a fancy to slowing down jet li, and steven segeul movies and pulling out practical techniques. It's actually pretty interesting how many will really work.

But ya, It's not real, and fights go to the ground. Be ready for it all. If your able to, finish it before it goes to the ground.
hmmm.... I Wonder What "bruce Lee", Wld Say...then Again Chuck Norris Is Around...perhaps He'd Have A Say...."wonder If" One Wld Actually Fight Street Against A Current 'jackie Chan' ...perhaps U R Right...these Guys Were All Holly-wood Guess They Kno Or Knew Nothing Of Martial Arts...it Is Amazing How One Wld Get Caught Up In Holly-weird & Not Pay Tru Homeage To The Real Martial-arts Xperts Turned Actors...oh 1 More Thing ...does Tai-bo Really Know The Arts...or Is He Just A Money Making Fake
shaolin_panther said:
hmmm.... I Wonder What "bruce Lee", Wld Say...then Again Chuck Norris Is Around...perhaps He'd Have A Say...."wonder If" One Wld Actually Fight Street Against A Current 'jackie Chan' ...perhaps U R Right...these Guys Were All Holly-wood Guess They Kno Or Knew Nothing Of Martial Arts...it Is Amazing How One Wld Get Caught Up In Holly-weird & Not Pay Tru Homeage To The Real Martial-arts Xperts Turned Actors...oh 1 More Thing ...does Tai-bo Really Know The Arts...or Is He Just A Money Making Fake
Billy Blanks you mean? I think he was a karate practitioner and a ggod one at that unless I'm confused but I really don't know. I wouldn't want to fight Jackie Chan though he is probably stronger than me and also practices martial arts alot and knows there is a differnce in a movie and reality.
fistlaw720 said:
You mean the Matrix isn't the true way of real combat.... Looks like I had it all wrong this entire time.
A friend to me jokingly"So you do that Kung fu stuff right?"
Me yeah
Friend "So you can do all that matrix stuff right?"
Me"Sure thing plug me into a computer and I can fly around?"
Point of that Humor works better in person. And the Matrix martial arts aren't supposed to take place in reality.
Hollywood not representative of reality? WhoÂ’da thunk? In Hollywood:

The laws of physics donÂ’t apply
Love always prevails
The hero can have a crushed femur and fractured skull and still sprint to jump on an moving SUV and render it inoperable by breaking off the antenna and poking the driver in the eye.
All the lead characters are beautiful
Nobody drives a beater car

IÂ’ve come to peace with the general Hollywood movie formula and just let it slide as mindless entertainment.

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