I don't use bricks to train "speed" or "punching power" but to develop "body coordination (external 3 harmonies)" and "body structure". A simple example is, when your opponent runs toward you and tries to knock your head off, you use your front toe push kick to hit on his chest. If his forward momentum canAnd if you use weight to early in your training you depend to much on the external and strength and you end up with a slow Changquan.
- collapse your structure and alter the relationship between your leg and your body, you don't have good structure.
- not push your body back and also does not alter the relationship between your leg and your body, you have good structure.
In my personal experience, the brick training can enhance my Peng Jin (body structure). When you try to push your opponent's upper body and hook his leg at the same time to throw him, Your upper body pushing should have good structure. No matter how strong that your opponent may resist, his resistance should not collapse your own structure. The brick training can help you to enhance that.