Hogens book

  • Thread starter Thread starter JDenz
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You know when you were a wrestler did you even have a Gimmick? Like a sock or coming out in your pyjamas or anything? :confused:
Originally posted by Shinobi
I was a mack daddy player.

LOL :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What was the most painful move you ever took? And did you win any kind of title? And do you really get all the babes from wrestling? :shrug:
The most painfull move was when a guy scrwed up and botched a Frankensteiner planting my face into the ring. I won no titles, as it wasn't even around long enough to have more then 1 Champion. Was around 6 months, which was 6 shows and then folded. Babes? Ha I wish dude. I sure could act like I did though.
Originally posted by Shinobi
The most painfull move was when a guy scrwed up and botched a Frankensteiner planting my face into the ring.

OUCH! Did you ever really hurt someone or at least know that you hurt them?
lol should have used your fingure coming out of the your pants so it looked like your weiner. Then you could have done the peoples weiner lol.
First, LOL to you JDenz. That would be funny.

And yeah, when I had my 2nd Match I hurt a guy. Accidentally knee'd him in the face giving him a black eye.

LOL the peoples weiner.
Originally posted by JDenz
lol should have used your fingure coming out of the your pants so it looked like your weiner. Then you could have done the peoples weiner lol.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
That's it I am going to make tough enough with that move. if not tough enough best of back yard wrestling
YEAH!!!! DO IT DO IT!!!!! Send in a tape of you doing the peoples weiner!
Lol just remember who invented it when you see it on Tuff Enough. lol. Hey back tothe orginal subject anyone have the book?

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