I'm not in the least scientific so things have to be put in simple terms for me but I can understand that genes are shared by groups of people and it's not a big deal. I don't see why it's impossible to believe that a group of people who lived in Europe should have DNA that proves they orginate in the Middle East. There's nothing mystical about that.
Now whether that proves they are entitled to live there again may well be another argument altogether but I'm put my heart on my sleeve and you know where I stand on that. It's not much to be allowed to live somewhere where you came from and there's nowhere else for you to go as was the case for many Jews. If people don't think the Jews should have been allowed to settle in Israel after the last war just where do you think they should have gone, back to Germany? To the USSR? Where should the displaced and countryless Jews gone? Why not back to the land they came from, after all how many times have people said 'go back to where you came from'.
It's not a claim actually based on DNA, its based on many things that have been already mentioned. Saying we were making the claim based on DNA was putting words into our mouths.
The DNA question came up when the claim was made that the European Jews weren't actually Jewish but Christians who converted. The DNA proves they were from the Middle East and not from European Christians. It was being said that Jews who came from Europe weren't actually Jews and therefore had no claim on Israel, it wasn't that we were using the DNA claim to prove Israel was ours! We used it to prove that the Jews of Europe were actually descended from the Jews of the Middle East. Others are trying to cloud the issue by claiming we are using a magic 'Jewish gene' ( you know you have it when it shouts oy vay) to prove that the Jewish people are special. Nope, different groups of people share DNA, there's nothing special in that and we aren't claiming we have special powers ( quite the opposite the 'Jewish' gene also makes us lousy at drinking alcohol in any quantities).
Other things being implied were that there were no Jews left only Arabs in Isreal, one of our claims to Israel is in fact that a great deal of the land was actually owned by Jews and other Jews should have the right to settle on that land, possession 9/10s etc lol! As I've said the Jews never went away in Israel, many have lived there for generations and generations. It was never a case of a people descending on a land where there were no Jews, what land wasn't originally owned by Jews was sold to them by eager Arabs.
Now whether that proves they are entitled to live there again may well be another argument altogether but I'm put my heart on my sleeve and you know where I stand on that. It's not much to be allowed to live somewhere where you came from and there's nowhere else for you to go as was the case for many Jews. If people don't think the Jews should have been allowed to settle in Israel after the last war just where do you think they should have gone, back to Germany? To the USSR? Where should the displaced and countryless Jews gone? Why not back to the land they came from, after all how many times have people said 'go back to where you came from'.
It's not a claim actually based on DNA, its based on many things that have been already mentioned. Saying we were making the claim based on DNA was putting words into our mouths.
The DNA question came up when the claim was made that the European Jews weren't actually Jewish but Christians who converted. The DNA proves they were from the Middle East and not from European Christians. It was being said that Jews who came from Europe weren't actually Jews and therefore had no claim on Israel, it wasn't that we were using the DNA claim to prove Israel was ours! We used it to prove that the Jews of Europe were actually descended from the Jews of the Middle East. Others are trying to cloud the issue by claiming we are using a magic 'Jewish gene' ( you know you have it when it shouts oy vay) to prove that the Jewish people are special. Nope, different groups of people share DNA, there's nothing special in that and we aren't claiming we have special powers ( quite the opposite the 'Jewish' gene also makes us lousy at drinking alcohol in any quantities).
Other things being implied were that there were no Jews left only Arabs in Isreal, one of our claims to Israel is in fact that a great deal of the land was actually owned by Jews and other Jews should have the right to settle on that land, possession 9/10s etc lol! As I've said the Jews never went away in Israel, many have lived there for generations and generations. It was never a case of a people descending on a land where there were no Jews, what land wasn't originally owned by Jews was sold to them by eager Arabs.