History Channel - The Human Weapon Eskrima Sneak Peak!

Quick post on the subject: I liked the show overall, but I didn't like that they focused most of the show on DP instead of more variety and I didn't like how they completely ignored Silat.
There's silat in the Philippines, and Penjak Silat is a common competition sport. But yes, it's not what's meant by "Eskrima"!
Could someone post a picture of what specificly they mean by a "bolo" if it refers to a particular type of blade.

I have a pretty good image in my head of a tenegre, binangon, talibon, pinuti, ginunting, kampilan, barong, etc. I do not have an image for "bolo."



In my experience bolo is more of a generic term. Basically a machete that you use to do whatever, cut coconuts, trim the lawn, cut cane, all kinds of stuff. There are all kinds of styles, some more geared for work or agriculture and some more geared for fighting.

An update for all that missed the show. My listing on cable says that the escrima show will air again on the history channel Sunday at 8pm. The Karate one will come on after that.

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