Hello, I have been having trouble with my hips especially when it comes to my roundhouse kick and the box splits. To make sure there is no confusion as to which kick I am referring to, I will post a video here.
Even after my warmup exercises I have extreme trouble when it comes to executing a round house kick (both sides). Everything seems to go fine up until after the chamber. When I have my knee with the leg ready to kick, I attempt to execute the kick. I cannot go above my belt height, and if I try to force it, I get a sharp pain just under my hip bone. I cannot tell whether it is muscular or my bones.
Please don't spam the thread telling me to go to the doctor, because I am already booking an appointment.
Moreover, I sometimes get the pain not on the kicking leg, but the leg which is providing support for me as well; sometimes I get it on both. I can't recall to have had this sort of trouble with my sidekick! When we do our warm up, at one point we are told to sit down, and stretch our legs out as wide as possible, then proceed to touch our toes with our opposite legs. If I try to stretch my legs out above a 90-100 degree angle, I will get the same sort of pain on both sides. Keep in mind, that I don't think flexibility has anything to do with this, as I am 5 inches off of my side splits!
I am at my wits end as to what this could be; I have been told that it could be that my hips simply aren't made for this stuff and that I have the "wrong type" of hips, but I refuse to accept that at the age of 17, I have already managed to find something that will hinder me throughout my whole martial arts career

. Please guys, if anyone has any idea as to what my problem is, I need help! One of my senseis has said that one of the only solutions to this could be to break my hips, and whilst, I'm ready to do that, I do not want arthritis or any sort of problems like that in my later life.