This makes me sad. Highlander was a seminal movie for me. Not only was it great, but I had such a good time in the theater. Went with my Dad, this was right before my aprents split up and things got wierd in my family. There was an elderly couple sitting behind us that thought they were going to see a documentary about actual Scottish Highlanders...they were quite confused
On top of that, when the opening sequences with the castle on the lake in Scotland ran...I realized that we'd been to that place just behind the film crew. I remember seeing that caslte...and the bed and breakfast we stayed at complained that they'd lost all their keys when a film crew had stayed there a week or so before us and tkaen them all.
At the time that was about the coolest thing to have been so close to a cool have "been there" so to speak.
Please Hollywood...just leave it alone and leave me with my good memories.