Hi, I'm new here

Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum. I'm just getting started with kyuki-do. I've never done any martial arts before but have always been curious. I'm excited to get into it and improve myself physically and mentally. Anyone else out there just starting out? What's been your experience so far?

Welcome to MT!

Ive only been in about 7 months and absolutely love. I hope you find as much joy out of your MA training as I have. :)

Welcome Gabby! I'm not familiar with your art personally but I hope you don't mind telling us about it as your training progresses. Good luck to you! :)
Welcome to MT. Where do you train in Kyukido? I grew up in Elgin, IL & trained under students of GM Ok Hyung Kim.

It's good stuff.
Hello from one newbie to another! ^.^ I just signed up tonight, and I've already gotten lots of nice welcomes. I think this forum must be really great, so I hope you have a lot of fun here. I'm curious about kyuki-do as well. What exactly is it?