Hi im back in after a long time

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martial art planet yep ! just becaues my spelling is bad that all did wrong im also little dexlted man im get baand here too becaues im get jumped here too i just know it look i nice but when other are rude i get little egvaeted

I am somewhat skeptical of the claim (if, as usual, I am translating your near-total-gibberish correctly) that you were banned for poor spelling.

I've watched some of your YouTube stuff. I'm no Super Secret Ninja Clan Mailorder Shodan, but I'm not impressed. To be honest, I initially thought the videos were supposed to be something of a spoof, sort of like the Ameri-Do-Te videos.
Your video audio sounds like you have the correct
grammar understanding of speech and sentence structure.

There are programs that allow you to speak and type your
Text for you.
I reelly hefe-a mure-a thun a leettle-a truooble-a mekeeng uny sense-a et ell
oooot ooff yuoor pusts. Yuoor feedeus meke-a it cleer thet yuoo knoo hoo tu
speek Ingleesh. Pleese-a, meke-a zee iffffurt tu vreete-a in Ingleesh. Iff yuoo
cunnut, fur vhetefer reesun, zeen zeere-a ere-a a noomber ooff fueece-a
recugneeshun prugrems efeeeleble-a thet veell vreete-a zeem fur yuoo, besed oon
zee spukee vurd.

Yuoor feedeus elsu meke-a it cleer thet yuoor ebeelity tu ixecoote-a, demunstrete-a u
nd teech techneeqooes is et un ifee looer lefel thun
yuoor ebeeility tu type-a a cuherent Ingleesh sentence-a. Frunkly, ve'fe-a gut
10 yeer oolds vhu cun ixecoote-a a kneeffehund streeke-a better thun zee
demunstreshun yuoo prufeeded oonleene-a. Yuoor stunce-a is vrung, yuoor hund
puseeshun is vrung, yuoor ungle-a ooff etteck is vrung, und yuoo tutelly feeel
tu use-a budy mechuneecs tu generete-a ifee a mudeecoom ooff pooer.

Es I seeed beffure-a, I em Sooper Secret Neenja Essesseen Meeelurder Shudun, boot I
sereeuoosly duoobt thet vhet yuoo're-a shooeeng is up tu stunderds fur uny
legeetimete-a oorguneezeshun.
Look, we'd pow'ful like t'exchange ideas wif yo', but we kin't unnerstan' whut yer sayin'. It makes no sense. Yer misspellin' wo'ds an' yer grammar is pore. Eff'n yo''d like t'not be mocked, please take th' time t'acshully write sumpin thet is coharnt.

Look, we would really like to exchange ideas with you, but we can't understand what you are saying. It makes no sense. You are misspelling words and your grammar is poor. If you would like to not be mocked, please take the time to actually write something that is coherent.
Nees see yoo beck her! Hasent seam you here no come, for. Long!

Inspuretionel veedo's ! me learning lot yoo frum watchin et!

Gamboot !

Billy (Blackswordshinobi) is pretty well known in you-tube ninjutsu circles, and honestly for all the wrong reasons. He is associated with some of the most questionable practitioners around, which accounts for some of his misunderstandings, but there seems to be more to it than that.

From what I've been able to gather, Billy got interested in the art from movies, and started to read Steve Hayes books, which is where his initial education and training came from. After that there was some training with people such as Jason Stork (Mountainous), Dan Bowen, and so on, none of whom really had any training themselves. More recently he has purchased a Shodan Home Training Program from Steve Hayes' organisation, and that means (to him) that he is a Shodan with Steve Hayes as his teacher. In the MAP threads there were a number of coherent posts, which were really copy-pastes of emails he gets from Steve Hayes as part of the program.

The catch is that Billy is dyslexic and borderline illiterate, as well as frankly delusional. As a result, he can't really understand what he's read, but believes what he thinks he's read anyway. This is shown even in this thread where he was asked who his teacher was, and interpreted that as asking who it was he teaches (his girlfriend... let's not go too far there...). This has lead to his saying that he trains in Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu and Ninpo... as that is the term used in the early Hayes books, and Billy can't see the actual difference, amongst other things.

Sadly, what all this means is that Billy has very little understanding or knowledge, and no way of actually engaging in conversation coherently or productively. So while I would suggest not necessarily belittling him for his learning disability, I can see little productive of engaging him.

And yes, this is Billy:

(on the right, with "Shinobi Mystic" Mike).
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Billy is dyslexic and borderline illiterate, as well as frankly delusional.

So what, obvious and obvious. There are other people here who are dyslexic and they post reasonable clear and coherent stuff. I'm sorry I picked on the guy, a little bit, but not everyone is going to know, you can't 'hold his cyber hand' all the time, and we can't hang a sign on him that says 'cut me slack I'm dyslexic'. So as long as he posts what looks to be random babble, he'll get his chops busted. Here or elsewhere. I think based on what he's posted the problem is more the last 2 than the 1st. But I'll stand down.

You list your rank as this:
first degree balt black shodan

First of all, what's a "balt"? Did you mean "belt"?

Why would a ninja use any rank at all, considering that at the time Kano developed the belt system, Ninja's were pretty much extinct, and historically never used it?

Who awarded you that rank?

Do you have a photo or scan of the actual certificate that shows you earned the rank?

Who taught you?

Did you learn from an actual person, in person?

Or, did you learn from video and books?

These are very simple questions, none of which should be a problem when they have over 20 years experience like you claim.
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