Hi I am new to the MA


Blue Belt
HI I am new to the MA. I have always been interested and used to take classes at my private school back in austin but they were shall we say? "FAKE" I mean I remember playing games where all we would do is run back and forth across this parking lot for 30 minutes and then we would do forms, then we would break fake pieces of wood and then we would test for our belts like every 2 weeks or something. I think I went form white to orange to yellow. I always have watched kung fu movies and I am wanting to train in the martial arts but I can't decide. I am going to college next year and there is a swordmanship class there that I am going to look at and if I like it I'll probably take it. Other than that I would like an art that doesn't have fancy kicking ;) I am just here to introduce myself since I've been reading these forums for awhiling but never said anything.
Welcome! I studied iaido in college and really liked it. Will you be attending college in an area with lots of choices for martial arts training?
I am not sure the first college pick I am planning to go to is University of North Texas in denton. I am not sure what it has there my cousin and my sister are going there and I think a lot of my friends will be going there and I hope it will be fun. I haven't really tried to find information on it yet. Fancy kicking I don't know why seems like it would be cool but I think its hard to get alot of power from kicking so high and in the air like at someone's face. I know it would hurt but if they ducked and mearly shoved you after stepping in while you kicking like on Lionheart that guy tries to kick him and he grabs his leg and punches him in the balls. I know this would be hard to do but funny to see :)
I think that's why most styles avoid high kicks for real self defense. :) I suspect you train that way to increase power or speed or something. We have really low stances in the style I'm studying now (northern Shaolin long fist), but I don't think we'd actually keep them that low in a fight. But it does help train our leg strength and kicking power. Think about it -- if you can kick hard and fast (maybe high, too) when rising out of a deep stance, consider the effect of doing the same thing from a higher stance and keeping the kick low (could be *very* fast and powerful). Kicking high should do something similar. It should help train you so that things are more effective when you adapt them to a real fighting situation. I've never done any real fighting though, so others should feel free to correct me if my impressions are wrong. I think you're also right on the counter to a high kick; ducking and attacking the now exposed groin area is a rather simple way I've heard of countering it. It also shows how vulnerable you can leave yourself if you do a high kick.
I have a book on shaolin long fist. I have read through it and the horse stance and such are very low, but the low stances do help to build leg muscle but it is very hard and impractical to try and kick with power from that low stance. If you have seen fist of fury with jet li he talks about it saying that kicking from a standing position can bring much more power and its very hard when you are low to do a high strong kick. If you watch muay thai fighters you can see the power that they have ;P
Welcome aboard.If you go to interview a prospective instructor ask for a phone number to the headquarters of their National Organization and then call and check them out.This will help you not get stuck with another fake instructor.
.....if they will let you, stick around and watch as many classes as you can. See if the school will let you watch both beginners and advanced classes. Go on different days, announced and unannounced. See if the classes are consistent, and if they are what you want.

If they *don't* want you watching classes, then walk away. They probably dress in ninja gear and have to like, you know, do secret stuff and stuff like that. In that case, you are heading right back to the McDojo.

Also, talk with some of the students, and instructors, if you can. See why *they* train, and why *they* are at the school. If they all say the same thing, it's mass hypnotism, and again, McDojo..;)

Really.....look around, and do some research. You'll be glad you did.
