Hi from Oklahoma


White Belt
Hi all, I'm new to the martialtalk forums but from what I've seen it looks like a great online community for fellow karateka. Anyways I train in Okinawan Goju Ryu and acheived Shodan rank last October of 2015. I've been training for over 4 years now, when I started my first class I absolutely fell in love with karate and practice everyday. I'm very passionate about my training as I'm sure all of you are too! I'd love to hear from you all and what style's you train in so please jump in and lets talk karate.

If you're interested here is a link for the school I train at mwcgoju.com

Also I'm currently trying to gain support for my Sensei and school so please check out and share our gofundme page: Click here to support Japan Trip for Sensei by Llarin Burleson