Hello, I'm from Canada


I'm new here on the Martialtalk forums. I used to post at the black belt mag forums for a couple of years, but it had recently closed down because of the lack of members. So I decided to make the time to look around for a good, active internet forum to discuss Martial Arts.

I have been training in the Martial Arts for 7 years. My main fighting system is Goju-ryu Karate. In Nov. 2009 I have received my Shodan, a great achievement for me, through all my commitments and devotion I have earned it. In addition I have trained in Kobudo, Tai-Chi, Iaido, Koryu-Uchinadi Kenpo Jutsu, Jujutsu, and Arnis/Escrima.

In supplement for my training I study the Martial Arts of Asia, Europe and Africa, thoroughly investigating the roots of various fighting systems.

Many thanks
Welcome, bro! I'm a newbie, too. It's a real nice place they have here.

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