Hi from a troll

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I got banned from a Yoga site once because I had the audacity to quote the rules of the site to the web admin/owner that was letting a couple of guys abuse and insult others and post threads of blatant racism and religious intolerance... HOW COOL IS THAT :D

But I will admit... it is the only site I was ever banned from... so I guess I am just not that cool yet :uhyeah:
When the internet was young and IRC was a relatively new thing, circa 1995 or so, I was in college up in Bellingham, WA. Once a month or so we'd drink a lot of booze and troll the undernet chat rooms posing as a couple of lesbians. Juvenile, I know, but we were a couple of very early 20's guys playing with a new toy. :)
When the internet was young and IRC was a relatively new thing, circa 1995 or so, I was in college up in Bellingham, WA. Once a month or so we'd drink a lot of booze and troll the undernet chat rooms posing as a couple of lesbians. Juvenile, I know, but we were a couple of very early 20's guys playing with a new toy. :)

Damn...you are cool :D
Whilst I can't effectively refute any of that quite formidable introduction, I can and will say this; That I have been much misunderstood and deviated heavily from the norm in the past. With reference to the above points, sure it is true that I used to beat up my mum, hit a woman in hospital who have just attacked me with strikes and kicks, once dunked a kid, slapped my wife once, oh yeah and had a brief amouratic encounter with another woman in hospital two years ago. There. That was all in the past right? Plus I have been banned from plenty of sites in the past too, mainly for speaking my mind.

To be quite honest with you today has been quite a difficult day for me. I had my injection today, and my nurse who gave it to me started talking to me about Ninjas. Or rather he asked me about them and I explained it to him. Now he says that he wants to up my meds. I am not happy about this.The drugs I take subdue and sedate me. To have them put up is definitely not a good thing. But the alternative, being put back into hospital, is a darn sight worse. i will try my best conversational jitsu to wrangle out of this clinch they seem to have got me in. And hopefully I have done enough now to avoid another hospitalisation.

All because I told him that last week I visited an old friend who works in a Chinese restaurant near me, who I haven't seen for eight years. And shes a Ninja. And I talked to men from the territorial army last saturday, and saw some graffiti on a bus shelter in town which I thought was a message to me, by another ninja. Oh hell.
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