Hi Everyone!

Teufel Freundin

White Belt
I'm Sue, just joined - I'm pretty new to martial arts, but I can't wait to learn :) Teufel Hunden, my bf, introduced me to this forum shortly after he joined, and I like what I see so far :)
I meant what style do you actually train in? Not what you are interested in, we all have lots of interest. Just wanted to know what style you do out of curiosity. I know you said you are new, but are we talking not training yet new?
Welcome to Martial Talk! Happy posting!

If I'm reading correcting, you either haven't started, or just started, training Shaolin Kung Fu? Check out the Chinese Martial Arts forums. Lot's of good info there. :)
Hi Sue, welcome aboard. It only gets better, the site is awesome.
I meant what style do you actually train in? Not what you are interested in, we all have lots of interest. Just wanted to know what style you do out of curiosity. I know you said you are new, but are we talking not training yet new?

New as in only a couple shaolin classes. ;)
Welcome to MT Sue! I wish I would have had a resource like MT when I was starting martial arts.. . But that was back in the early 80's.. . DOS wasn't as conducive to a stellar forum like this!
Welcome Sue and hopefully you will find MT the nicest place on the web.